Brave free-thinker serves society by saying the n-slur ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

1  2020-11-03 by poop2024



I sing it in the songs. That’s it really though. My daughter gets soooooo offended. “You don’t have the pass!” I tell her if they’re going to let men call women bitches and hoes I’m damn well gonna sing the word [nslur] when THEY PUT IT IN THE SONG!

I’ve also picked back up using [rslur], and I’ve noticed a lot of other white women have too.

I mean, they’ve been calling me Karen for a year now. I think we’re over being all maternal and nurturing to multiple groups of people who clearly hate us.

So yah, it’s gloves off for this Karen, and all those regarded [nslur] [fslur] [tslur] [kslur] assholes can eat the corn outta my shit.

See what the Karen meme hath wrought?

Middle aged wh*te 🤢 w*men 🤮 have had ENOUGH

Ruqqusposting 🤢🤢🤢

ayo this dude jealous that the MDEfugees aren't cucked to the SRDines