How this Liberal mod learned he had nothing to lose but his chains.

1  2020-11-03 by FloggingJonna

As some of you may be aware we have a presidential election today and I was convinced last night I was riding. However, due to divine intervention one could call it I woke up. It all started on my drive to the polls, I was listening to Rush Limbaugh to smugly chuckle about my superiority as I often do, but today it was just like everything clicked. I realized how utterly cucked this country is and the only thing stopping our slide into further degeneracy is Donald J Trump. For some reason and maybe it was because I missed Rachel Maddow last night but the Minneapolis riots came into complete focus. I DO NOT WANT TO LIVE IN A COUNTRY WHERE TARGETS DON'T HAVE MORE RIGHTS THAN POORS. How can a thriving job creator like Target survive with actions like this celebrated in the media? Is this my country? One where the shareholders aren't properly revered as the morally superior people they are? It escalated to a point where a 17 HERO had to save a car lot from a pedophile. Where were the police?

Naturally this got me thinking about the current plandemic caused by democrats in conjunction with Bill Gates and CCP and how ENTITLED 3 particular groups have behaved. First, unions. Unions kill jobs and hurt the rich and for what? So Joe Blow can afford name brand soda? Pathetic. The other 2, nurses and teachers I'm sorry you had to work hard for one single time in your miserable lives. Especially you striking teachers... what are you striking for? Some hoax with a .003 IFR? Oh and you don't get paid enough? Bro, teacher is a job you fall backwards into when you realize you don't have the talent to chase your dreams. It's an easy job and you get summers off. Try doing a deployment in Iraq and sit on your ass in the desert 15 hours a day and then talk to me. If anything you should be paid less because all you do lead kids into the hands of the cabal and have them believe crackpot "scientists" instead of scholars like Tucker Carlson!

Finally I reach the polling place and there's a women there with two able bodied children in their 20s who I overheard had some foid illness like deprushun and anxiety, yeah you and every Becky. That's when I snapped. The Marxist Biden wants to give these mongoloids healthcare and wants ME to pay for it? FUCK NO JOE. Poor people simply don't deserve to go the hospital!

I cast my ballot for the GEOTUS and implore everyone else to do the same. I wasn't done though I knew then and their I'd have to get rid of my prius. Covid is a hoax global warming is too I reckon. I stopped off at a tobacco shop and got myself several bags of Beech Nut because that's who I am now! Next I went to a used car dealership because my SSI doesn't pay enough to buy new. Got myself a 2 ton Dodge Dually because I'd rather be cumming than stroking. I got home an hour ago I've already acquired enough Fent to kill a million people and enough Codeine to make Weezy seize. I decided to do some retail therapy and get something nice to snort my fent on so I hit up Ebay and bought several NASCAR commemorative plates. I've got Dale, The King, and Dick Trickle. Finally I stole my neighbors MAGA flag and hung it up on my red wood deck around my single wide!

I hope this post wakes some people up! Maybe some others can be delivered from Satan as I was. Stand back and stand by nimble navigators!


Read this to yourself, out loud, and realize what a fucking f-slur you are. Talk like a god damn person and stop spilling out this perpetual fucking nonsense.

Do you know how much I hate this fucking board? How fucking awful it is? How awful the quality of poster that it brings up? What the fuck is wrong with you people. The SRD board, specifically created to be a fucking zoo for the worst posters on Reddit, has straightened out to a pretty nice place with a lolcow who consistently puts out videos that make you go "wtf?" in a not-too-serious, not-too-emotionally-involved way. As a result, the fucking SRD board is now more popular than the Drama board.


  1. How this Liberal mod learned he had... -,*

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers


I didn’t read the post but I sure as hell read this.

I missed you.

This was the perfect Snappy response. My goodness!

Please bear my children



Didn’t realize how much i missed snappy till now

watch out lawlz, someone else is coming for the crown

Nice wholesomepost ( ^◡^)

where is longpost bot

The code monkeys forgot to teach him how to respond to OPs, unfortunately

Longpostbot was built in 30 min. I refused to do anymore work after that.

And on the 30th minute, UnheardIdentity rested.

- Book of Drama

I'll send another check

You think it's fine to be racist against rural whites? You think you're better than me just because you don't got hundreds of empty domestic beer cans forming a waist high sea that you have to wade through in your own home? You think your bitch ass liberal education means you know anything? I got common sense. And you won't say this to my face you pussy piece of shit. Fuck you. 4 more years of tears baby. I learned to live without a stimulus check too, and I couldn't have done it without Trump. Medicaid still pays for my pain pills too. Get a job you condescending elitist piece of shit.


You misunderstand. I want your life.





Listen here, jack!

Look, let me put it to you this way: the NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There, I said it.

Dude Trump Lmao

Do all the current mods take adderall like candy 🍬?

Why don’t you take the bone out of your nose and get back to me

Based and redpilled.

This but unironically.

This but unironically.

This but unironically.

This but unironically.

This but unironically.

This but unironically.

This but unironically.

This but unironically.

This but unironically.


Someone wanna translate this to something I'll actually read?

It’s a masterpiece if you read it thoroughly
