1 2020-11-03 by Shubard75
Burnie's gonna win
13 femboypresident 2020-11-03
don’t care didn’t ask
plus you’re white
3 hackfraud30011999 2020-11-03
So this sub got filled with leftoids trying too hard to troll just like /pol?
2 SupaDupaFlyAccount 2020-11-03
Someone's new to r/drama.
1 SnapshillBot 2020-11-03
If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 [deleted] 2020-11-03
13 femboypresident 2020-11-03
don’t care didn’t ask
plus you’re white
3 hackfraud30011999 2020-11-03
So this sub got filled with leftoids trying too hard to troll just like /pol?
2 SupaDupaFlyAccount 2020-11-03
Someone's new to r/drama.
1 SnapshillBot 2020-11-03
If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 [deleted] 2020-11-03
1 [deleted] 2020-11-03