Literal who makes a joke about two colors on a map, this is not ok according to some.

1  2020-11-04 by TheColdTurtle


i’ll explain why it isn’t funny if you don’t understand: because the chances of my mother being shot and killed for walking our dogs and then the person who killed her being set off as “an accident” have skyrocketed. because the chances of me being called slurs simply for liking



I dunno but there's 20+ people repeating that. I'm not sure if it's supposed to be taken literally or if left twitter is unable to articulate that something is bad without making it be about their "rights".

runs out of insta coffee

My fucking rights


He'll definitely do it for realsies this time

Umm sweaty it's very serious. If you didn't notice, Dr*mpf installed a fascist dictatorship in 2016 and has been imprisoning minorities since then. Now he wants to do it all over again, this brave Twitter soul is simply fighting back in this war on fascism


He’s probably into bussy



Didn't he hint at that back in 2016? What's taking him so long? Or is his plan to only to it his second term?

Worst. Misogynist. Ever.



@SPEEDRUNSTREAMZ · 5h i’ll explain why it isn’t funny if you don’t understand: because the chances of my mother being shot and killed for walking our dogs and then the person who killed her being set off as “an accident” have skyrocketed. because the chances of me being called slurs simply for liking






You have to go back.


Lmao they said the same shit in 2016 and nothing happened

muh rights muh rights they be gone, mista

I’m so glad to see Twitter users are still off their meds

It's not just Twitter. Every white woman I know is convinced of this IRL. These aren't all just bots, real white women actually believe Trump is going to put them in government mandated rape cages to use for Proud Boy breeding or some insane shit.

Apparenly Kamala is the qkween who is going to finally give them WOMENS RIGHTS that...that they dont have I guess? I have no fucking idea I'm so confused. Any attempt at discussion goes nowhere, I've given up.

Also, I'm basically a misogynist for voting said that to me.

It's like there is some fucking radio broadcast only they can hear repeating this to them over and over.

It's not just Twitter. Every white woman I know is convinced of this IRL. These aren't all just bots, real white women actually believe Trump is going to put them in government mandated rape cages to use for Proud Boy breeding or some insane shit.

Wh*te women always give the best arguments as to why they should be actually subjugated

Trump is going to put them in government mandated rape cages to use for Proud Boy breeding or some insane shit.

Knowing the thought process of most rightoids, they’d probably be content sitting back and watching

Cuckoldry is just swinging with less steps, power to them honestly.

It suits the ladies fine too. I suspect that's why the lefty ones seem like they're gunning to lose so often.

Politics is sexual pathology

You voted for Jorgenson instead of writing in Hillary Clinton? There’s the proof that you are a misogynist 😤

Someone actually told me that would be been less wasted than my vote for Jorgenson, are you psychic?

the fact of the matter is no one should be joking about the election... they’re both wrong

No more humor 2020
