Democrats will win lmao

1  2020-11-04 by Nhymkruv



I just thought of something. Are they going to ban Trump from Twitter after be isn't president? That would be sad.

I have zero doubt he will be banned within an hour.


I spend more time with women on any given Tuesday than any unloved, lonely shut-in Chapo poster has in his whole fucking life. I might make jokes about women on /r/drama, but IRL I'm one of the fucking girls and fine with it.

When any of them open up to me about their experiences with harassment or assault, it is never - NEVER. FUCKING. EVER. - about a MAGA bro or a frat boy. It is always at the hands of some sensitive feminist "woke" boy.

The "frat boy rapist" thing is a myth that dangerous dudes like this are happy to perpetuate, because it takes the heat off of them, i.e. the real threats to the goddamn wimminz.


  1. Democrats will win lmao -,*

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Could this be an election result that produces MAXIMUM SEETHE?

Leftoids are already seething that its close at all, and as we all know an object in seethe will remain in seethe.

Rightoids want states to stop counting votes? That doesn't bode well for them, if mailins give Michigan to the lefties, incredible seethe will be farmed from the righties.

Plus when someone inevitably goes to court, seethe will come from all angles.

Thank you, 🐎👞👏

It you stopped counting the votes right now sleepy Joe would win 270-268. I don't even know what the right can do at this point lol, like go back in time and subtract from the totals? Lmao. It is almost certainly going to get worse from this point out, but your lose either way.


Trump win was the best for short term gains

Republican taking house Seats and keeping the senate, setting up for a mid term control of both, is great for long term gains

ACB not getting into the Supreme Court and Republicans recreating the kavanaugh hearings will be incredible for the drama coin

ACB is already a justice they’d have to impeach her which has literally never happened for the SC



Little late there king. ACB was confirmed like 2 weeks ago


Trump win was the best for short term gains

The ultimate short term gains would be a Biden win, followed by Trump getting one last Supreme Court nomination before the end of his term.


The United States is nearly in anarchy, a divided government is only going to get us closer to that. So I guess your right.

What a downer

This would be way more fun from like australia or something.

My blood pressure is already sympathy rising

The ultimate seeth would be a tie. It's unlikely, but I'd love to see it.

I believe that Nebraskan district Biden carried killed that dream unfortunately, but it was a good one.

Just another reason to hate Nebraska.

Hey Nebraskans, if your whole state disappeared overnight how many days do you think it would take for anyone to notice?

Prepare your stables bois. The cows are coming home

we did it america

Cope all you want. This is going ton the Supreme Court 😍

Bold prediction: whichever state supreme court will bounce out poppop's challenge and scotus will decline to hear it creating a twitter rage spree the likes of which we have never seen

poopoo peepee poppop



Daddy v. democracy

"We need to stop counting votes at an arbitrary point."


Not me, I want to see how much the Amerifat leftoid seethe can escalate. You've already burned and looted your cities, I am excited for the next steps.

Rightoid seethe isn't violent enough to be interesting.

Rightoid seethe isn't violent

You should probably tell that to Heather Heyer's family, I'm sure they'd love to know.


Michigan governor would disagree


Rightoid seethe isn't violent


Timothy McVeigh would like to know your location

As if commies are going to stop bitching

Stand down and stand by


Right up until it does, see 1933-1945

Can we please make this sub private again.


I doubt that blm retardation will stop, so more burning and looting might happen. And then dementia daddy 2 might intervene, which will make dems seethe even more than when dementia daddy 1 did because he was supposed to be their ally.

BLM will be right back with us in 2024

My country truly is awful I know, we have to worry about where to spend all this money we have you know? It's so stressful. Imagine being able to walk down the streets without being chased by a dozen favela thugs to the pile of cardboard that is our apartment, I can certainly understand why we Americans are so very far compared to you superior Brazilian specimens. It's just awful. We Americans are burning and looting out cities, you citizens of, BUENOS AIRES I guess? You have found the correct solution by having long ago burned and looted the whole thing so that there's nothing left, ergo total peace. I wish for the day we reach these heights of enlightenment.

Also imagine being born speaking a language like English, just ugly, everybody already speaks it or wants to learn it, it's just at blase, so boring. I'd do much rather be part of the SPANISH speaking world with my Brazilian comrades.

Just some advice, just shut the fuck up completely about our politics, I do not need the opinion of an idiot living in the jungle educating me, an American citizen, about how lucky I am to have the electoral college forced on me because you have some delusional fixation with right wing fascists being elected to govern my country. Please do not immigrate here; we have enough gusanos as it is, we don't need more filth.

Anyway congrats on the MAS victory in your latest elections, democracy restored right! Also I totally support your nation's claim to the Islas Malvinas, it is truly Brazilian clay, I care about this. I admired your performance in the 2014 world cup, it is truly a travesty that that awful shitty team from that garbage country just barely managed to steal victory from your beautiful people with their much superior sportsmanship. That's all I think, adiós!

You're directing your cope at the wrong nationality, sweaty. That's a whole lot of effortposting that just fell completely flat and Allah will be displeased.

You shouldn't assume someone that lives in a place is necessarily from that place. I am not Brazilian and my native country has higher average earnings than Ameripoors and also has your coveted free healthcare, sweaty, so there's that. For the record, I already have U.S. citizenship through residence (not blood, ew) and quite enjoyed voting in the elections at the consulate for the first time. Nice megacope, though. I'm not sure if you're serious about claiming Buenos Aires is in Brazil, relating the Islas Malvinas to Brazil, or that Spanish is the spoken language here, but they are great touches to your diatribe and truly add to us imagining you dribbling and touching your bussy in a self-congratulatory manner while you type.

I never said your country was awful, but I did say that you're collectively fat as fuck. Deny it, sweaty.

Edit: Copy-pasting this dude's mega spergout for posterity later on, in case he deletes it. Also maybe someone else can use it as a copypasta against actual Brazilians... or Argentinians, since they are apparently one and the same:

My country truly is awful I know, we have to worry about where to spend all this money we have you know? It's so stressful. Imagine being able to walk down the streets without being chased by a dozen favela thugs to the pile of cardboard that is our apartment, I can certainly understand why we Americans are so very far compared to you superior Brazilian specimens. It's just awful. We Americans are burning and looting out cities, you citizens of, BUENOS AIRES I guess? You have found the correct solution by having long ago burned and looted the whole thing so that there's nothing left, ergo total peace. I wish for the day we reach these heights of enlightenment. Also imagine being born speaking a language like English, just ugly, everybody already speaks it or wants to learn it, it's just at blase, so boring. I'd do much rather be part of the SPANISH speaking world with my Brazilian comrades. Just some advice, just shut the fuck up completely about our politics, I do not need the opinion of an idiot living in the jungle educating me, an American citizen, about how lucky I am to have the electoral college forced on me because you have some delusional fixation with right wing fascists being elected to govern my country. Please do not immigrate here; we have enough gusanos as it is, we don't need more filth. Anyway congrats on the MAS victory in your latest elections, democracy restored right! Also I totally support your nation's claim to the Islas Malvinas, it is truly Brazilian clay, I care about this. I admired your performance in the 2014 world cup, it is truly a travesty that that awful shitty team from that garbage country just barely managed to steal victory from your beautiful people with their much superior sportsmanship. That's all I think, adiós!


You'll still get far leftoid seethe though I think at Biden, all flavors of seethe

The Nazix vote plus the Black man has spoken.

True but we won't have a 100% answer for at least a couple weeks, which means I'm excited for lawyer drama + riots + drumpf spergouts. We will see massive amounts of smug/seethe posts from both sides the likes of which have never been even thought of before.

> Trump lost because of white men.

curious how /pol/ is gonna spin this lmao


That’s the easy mode answer

The race isnt over and there still a chance that Trump win 280 votes.


Its not cope there was a pollster that call the race for Trump before election days with 280 votes.

Americans, what are the chances that Trump will proclaim the independence of the south states?

Zero. The dumb rednecks of the south are luckily not the ones in charge of the state. There will be no 2nd civil war, despite what you've been reading for the last 6 months.

No Civil War but can we just balkanize please?

Balkanization wasn't exactly a peaceful process.

How about a mostly peaceful balkanization?

Slovene: I'm off on my own way ciao
Serb: Shit I will conquer you back, one day
Croat: Alright then imma split too
Serb: OK now I am gonna fuck a Croat shit up, you with me Turk?
Bosniak: Actually I don't want to get involved in this shit, I'm declaring independence too. Serb: Glares menacingly at Turk
Croat: Also glares even more menacingly
Bosniak: *Has a bad time *

It never began for balkancels

Try harder then 🙄

Rednecks are too fat and lazy to start a civil war.

Trump would never step out of Manhattan to live among the poors in hick country. He hates it enough as it is having to live in that white house dump.


Cops are gonna be piiiiiiissed.

Leftists in the streets about to get fucked up.

As usual, give it a few days... Election not yet decided

Perhaps the plan is not to make Trump “win”. Perhaps the plan is to allow all the corruption to see the light of day. If this occurs in the setting of a “loss”, than perhaps that is the way

Trump may not be so lame till January. He would have nothing to lose in this interval. Remember that

Trump may have sacrificed himself on the board in the context of a bigger play (not yet revealed).


There isn't a plan lmao

Q predicted this!