1 2020-12-01 by GeauxHouston22
12 Iowa_Hawkeye 2020-12-01
Great use of an old account there.
9 Pepperglue 2020-12-01
Really got some noggin joggin.
9 Aevann01 2020-12-01
obvious bait
8 Neon_needles 2020-12-01
Killer post, will make conspiracy reeeee
6 Kellere31 2020-12-01
Some based r slur spent some time of his life to make this perfect bait. I love y'all folx. 🤗
2 HodorTheDoorHolder__ 2020-12-01
Holy shit! There’s bots on this site?
2 GeauxHouston22 2020-12-01
yeah you oughta know since you are one
4 HodorTheDoorHolder__ 2020-12-01
Haha okay buddy
12 Iowa_Hawkeye 2020-12-01
Great use of an old account there.
9 Pepperglue 2020-12-01
Really got some noggin joggin.
9 Aevann01 2020-12-01
obvious bait
8 Neon_needles 2020-12-01
Killer post, will make conspiracy reeeee
6 Kellere31 2020-12-01
Some based r slur spent some time of his life to make this perfect bait. I love y'all folx. 🤗
2 HodorTheDoorHolder__ 2020-12-01
Holy shit! There’s bots on this site?
2 GeauxHouston22 2020-12-01
yeah you oughta know since you are one
4 HodorTheDoorHolder__ 2020-12-01
Haha okay buddy