The founder daddies assumed that the only people elected to office would be competent technocrats who wouldn’t do illegal stuff which is the reason they made things to counteract the president fucking up like impeachment a political process instead of a judicial process. Basically they let it slip through because they thought we would be better than this.
A bit odd though considering their fear of tyranny to give one person such a ridiculous power over law. Yeah, you might be able to get rid of the guy after, but not before potentially doing a lot of irreversible damage.
6 YHofSuburbia 2020-12-01
How do you pardon someone in advance?
6 BroboxylicAcid 2020-12-01
A presumptive pardon isn't new or groundbreaking but it's definitely drama. It's literally what Ford did for Nixon over the Watergate Scandal.
6 Aevann01 2020-12-01
fun fact, that pardon dropped ford's approval rating from 71% to 50% and caused him to lose reelection
8 BroboxylicAcid 2020-12-01
That is a fun fact.
1 RecallRethuglicans 2020-12-01
Shows you! Drumpf already lost re-election
1 ManBearFridge 2020-12-01
How did founder daddies let that slip through without any checks?
1 kermit_was_wrong 2020-12-01
The check is impeachment.
1 ManBearFridge 2020-12-01
Doesn't undo the pardon though.
1 Zero5urvivers 2020-12-01
The founder daddies assumed that the only people elected to office would be competent technocrats who wouldn’t do illegal stuff which is the reason they made things to counteract the president fucking up like impeachment a political process instead of a judicial process. Basically they let it slip through because they thought we would be better than this.
2 Pepperglue 2020-12-01
I bet they feel really silly now.
1 ManBearFridge 2020-12-01
A bit odd though considering their fear of tyranny to give one person such a ridiculous power over law. Yeah, you might be able to get rid of the guy after, but not before potentially doing a lot of irreversible damage.
3 Iowa_Hawkeye 2020-12-01
I will also take one.
3 Eternal_Mr_Bones 2020-12-01
Just mail me the official Get out of Jail Free Card for the US.
1 tHeSiD 2020-12-01
What's your crime?
1 Whaddaulookinat 2020-12-01
It's an Iowan so some mix between unauthorized zoo husbandry and Mann Act violations is a pretty safe bet
2 Lysis10 2020-12-01
lol I wonder if Don will do it. How shitty would it be if he doesn't? lol fuckin politicians.
5 HodorTheDoorHolder__ 2020-12-01
He will pardon anyone who supports him and has dirt on him.
4 ClementineChime 2020-12-01
3 HodorTheDoorHolder__ 2020-12-01
Not if Dershowitz gets to her first
3 Lysis10 2020-12-01
But who will pardon the pardoner?
2 JeffButterDogEpstein 2020-12-01
No one has brought the most obvious person he should pardon, Uncle Ted.
2 Whaddaulookinat 2020-12-01
His only crime was being right... And you know those bombings
1 tHeSiD 2020-12-01
No one would have known his basedness if it wasn't for the bombings.
1 Zozbot 2020-12-01
1 Zozbot 2020-12-01
1 Zozbot 2020-12-01
1 tHeSiD 2020-12-01
this is targetted harrassment!
1 TruthPains 2020-12-01
Which won't mean shit because NY state is going full steam ahead on the entire Trump family.