You guys see that woman in the news talking crazy in the court room?

8  2020-12-05 by HodorTheDoorHolder__

Someone needs their meds lol


Link it I'm too lazy to search.

I almost want to fuck her because she's a trainwreck and I hate myself

It looks like something nested in her hair and she can't be bothered to shoo it away.

Almost? You know it would be good. Extremely dangerous, but exhilarating.

As they say, "Don't stick your dick in crazy," and a true dramanaut would never take such sapient advice.

If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


  1. You guys see that woman in the news... -,*

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Shot in the dark. Is it Melissa Carone

Oh this is the hearing where rudy stepped on a frog

She was drunk af lmao

lol that midwestern accent my god

Oh my god it's worse than I imagined.

Sadly she was one of the more coherent ones. The GOP basically just walked out a bunch of wine aunts and crazy ass dinner table uncles making wild accusations that didn't even make any sense or stand up to even 5 seconds of scrutiny.

Some guy was documenting the entire thing:

I actually think America doesn't recover from this. It's the end, the US is just going to become increasingly irrelevant.

One of our 2 major parties is now basically on equal footing with a 3rd world African fringe party.

The more I see the more I'm starting to agree with your take.

The internet allowed these morons a spotlight and they aren't going to let it go.