Et tu, Perdue?

1  2020-12-05 by The_Dramanomicon


Are you black or something? Why do you think fathers don't exist?


  1. Et tu, Perdue? -,*

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Because I never had one, Snappy 😭

Masterlalwz accepts you too as his child.

kelly loeffler's staffer died for this video :(

I really wonder how much this drama is actually affecting voters.

According to a friend who lives in a small city in Georgia, there are sizable amount of boomers considering boycotting the election unless Trump gets a second term. Either way good for dramacoin.

tell him to encourage them a lot more to sit this one out.

Tell them that boycotting doesn't send a strong enough message and they should vote blue.

Boomers and not knowing how shit works... Must be tough for them to be the last generation poisoned by leaded petrol.

What an incredibly sensible way to ruin his career. I hope he learns to code quick.