Should you throw out Christmas dinner because your father tried to help take everyone to flavortown?

1  2020-12-05 by heretobefriends

According to some on the subreddit devoted to cooking, the answer is yes.


I truly believe you can communicate with people outside of passive-aggressive gestures like dumping Christmas dinner down the drain.

Sometimes people need that extra passive aggressive gesture.

The redditor will never pass up the opportunity to fantasize about teaching their parents a lesson in the most childish of ways.

Damn. If this were me, I think there would’ve been passive aggressive statements for years to come, some thing like, “hey dad, remember that time that you ruined my broth because you didn’t understand how salting over time works? Remember that? Remember how I had spent hours delicately coaxing flavors out of the oxtail and still had a couple hours to go before the majority of the salt would be added but you decided you knew best? Remember that dad? Remember how you added fucking PORK FLAVORING TO AN OXTAIL BROTH AND HAD THE GALL TO ACT LIKE YOU DID ME A FAVOR?? REMEMBER THAT DADDDD??? ...yeah, me too. Good times...”

That was pretty funny though

But yes, every complaint about w*men on reddit is about their own mothers, who they still live with

Of course there's the obligatory narcissist projection club link too.

what the hell, the majority of the people in the thread think you're in the wrong if you don't immediately throw a tantrum and pour it down the drain...

There's a nice subthread starting with

Bone broth is called stock

You can imagine how it goes from that ;)

Oh god, I forgot about that one.

Honestly, that sub punches above its weight in drama.


The admins, in their unfathomable wisdom, have banned direct linking for us so as to help us hone our drama-sense.

I know that, but at least explain where you got your drama from, ya twat

I already did. Flex your drama-sense a little, because nobody else had any trouble.

If I have to put work into it, NO

Hahahahaha, you're in college and you still spend your time like this! This internet troll shit is for lonely 14 year olds, not adults.

The rest of your life is going to be lonely and boring if this is what you do with your time during what should be your most exciting years.

Before you know it, college will be over and you'll have no ability to make new friends because you don't have anything interesting to talk about or any way to meet new people. If you're not able to make friends now when it's literally the easiest it will ever be, there's no way you're going to swing it when you're even older.


  1. Should you throw out Christmas dinn... -,*

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Mayo redditor has didn't season her food but happilly her daddy is willing to save her from herself, by actually seasonning her shit.

In one of the threads, somebody remarked on how many asian cultures use mixed-meat broths so it isn't too unusual for pork to go into ox-tail. OP then disclosed father is Chinese, which really brings it all together. Chinese boomers are on another level.

This is also a good time to throw in the best culinary scene in the history of film.

Kino scene. Now I am hungry.

OP should have blamed his mother for not teaching his father that he has no place in the kitchen.

DAE parents are the worst? I'm so glad I was raised in foster care.