Supreme court says T-slurs are heckin valid. Forty one percenters are surprised and ecstatic, rightoids reeeeeeeeee.

1  2020-12-07 by mugiamagi


I am liking this new Supreme Court. Leftioid raged last week, and now rightoid rages this week.

Maybe the new justices were drama posters all along. It's always the juiciest when they rule against/refuse to hear things that conservatives see as an easy win. Rightoids quickly go from "Yassss ACB" to "Here's how the new justices were actually liberal plants."

"Here's how the new justices were actually liberal plants."

Has it happened? I heard complaints against Roberts, but not yet on ACB.

Bro didn't you hear? Neal Gorsuch says trolds rights, too, he said that like a year ago or so

Admittedly I haven't seen anything on ACB yet, but saw a few posts on fb accusing Kavanaugh and other judges of being liberals earlier this year. Either the posters were desperate or actually didn't know who appointed them.

accusing Kavanaugh and other judges of being liberals

Well, he drank beer in high school. That must have been his entry into liberal degeneracy.

Still crazy though.


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I was listening to an interview with Ted Cruz and he was lamenting about slam dunk conservative judges becoming more liberal when they get on the bench and the interview says something along the lines of “why do you think they do that? Perhaps they realize an extreme interpretation of the constitution is flawed?” and Cruz legit responds with “No, it’s because they get corrupted by the liberal news media and want to impress all of their cronies in the DC swamp but ACB won’t do that!” 😂

People finding out that judges don't make decisions on pure political opinion is always fun to watch.

rightoids expect too much too fast, the court takes like 1 case in 10.000 or something like that, even if they disagree with other cases, they are picky to have the best case to raise an issue, the fact that they didn't take this != the supreme court is ok with the t-slurs

Rightoids not understanding what the term conservative means in the context of the judiciary.

You want to claim a right to privacy, found through the emanations and penumbras in the Bill of Rights, extends further than its current status? I would not try to do that in front of a constitutionally conservative judge, they already want to kill that idea.

Transgender author and gamer. Autistic. Disabled. She/Her.

Really makes you think. 🤔

All I want is a gay autistic transgender conservative textualist supreme court justice. If only Scalia came out before he died😔😔😔😔.

When schizos hear voices in their head we need to give them a pat on the back and tell them that it’s normal and valid.

Yes, but we already have religion.


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


  1. Supreme court says T-slurs are heck... -,*

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Fuck you t****y