[Not drama yet/incoming drama] Supreme Court one lines a “lmao nah” with no dissenting opinions in response to a PA republicans trying to stop the their election from being certified

1  2020-12-08 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


Now it's onto Texas! Well, not shenanigans in Texas, but a lawsuit against Pennsylvania in which Texas is the (primary) plaintiff!

Bold and easy prediction for how it goes, if it even gets far enough for any opinions to be delivered: Roberts pulls out ol' reliable and kicks it out of court due to the Plaintiff's lack of standing. Roberts has never met a politically charged case he hasn't wanted to eject from his court on procedural grounds.

I've been keeping tabs on conservative and conspiracy (but I repeat myself) and it's been amazing watching them mount the goalpost on a nascar chassis and speed it around in circles

They've turned to Bernie bro levels of desperation.

Also I've said this before but holy shit conspiracy is almost completely consumed by rightoids at this point. I peep it every once in a while and it's just cope and stuff you'd hear on Alex Jones. There are little to no interesting theories or discussion at this point. I can't state how annoyed I get by browsing that sub because now I need to resort to gangstalking pages on fb to read schizoposting that isn't just bitching about the election.

This is far worse than the bernout cope by sheer volume of delusion alone. Remember that this isn’t a section of the already small progressive wing of the democrats that are seething about a primary that the DNC doesn’t even legally have to hold, this is the overwhelming majority of the republican voter base retreating into an alternate reality where the Prophet Trump(Peace be upon Him) is about to get sworn in for a second term by proving the demonrats rigged the election. The funniest part of this whole situation though is how this is an almost entirely grassroots thing for republicans and its not like they went nuts overnight.

Praise allah

This case is going to get laughed out of court. Imagine if states with functioning election systems could sue those that don't. It'd be New England states against everyone else non stop.


Remember when Sweden supposedly had bombs going off everywhere and a million rapes per capita just because right wingers were mad about them failing to protect their whiteness appropriately? Like I bet these facts have not even fully fallen out of right wing brains, they never will. It doesn't matter that the future constantly contradicts the reality that uses to be presenting, every moment of their life so far they've been wrong but they're always convinced they're right this time.

Remember when Sweden supposedly had bombs going off everywhere and a million rapes per capita

Still does, in fact you probably don't hear about it because it became so obviously bad it's no longer really controversial.

The last couple of things they had was one gang making roadblocks in some place due to a gang conflict (they were arrested but released before any charges could be made), police complaining that the same two gangs had successful peace talks in some hotel, and most recently a tacit admission that besides having their own parallel society there's also widespread gang corruption in local politics. Bombings and murders keep rising but that's the new normal and not particularly newsworthy.

Note to the British: we are better than you

Get in your place dog.

"No wait guys, Trump can still win!"


So the case is not worth being considered? This is the best BTFO from the SC so far.

This was for the injunction sought. They didn’t file cert with this one for consideration. The TX ag etc one has requested it I think but while I try to never say never there’s no way the Supreme Court will hear that one. Since they’re unlikely to want to even entertain states being able to sue other states for control of other states voting system. Most cases about voters rights they actually have heard come from people in a state that would be effected by the states voting law they live in or somehow disenfranchised.



I am a common man. I do not fear COVID-19 and I think human resilience will prevail. I do fear the Democrat party in this country and what they have succeeded in getting away with over the past decades. Historians document the election of 1876 as a time when Democrats took control of the House and Senate. This is fact. It is also factual that they succeeded in repealing many if not all of the protections Republicans had put in place for freed slaves. Once repealed they replaced those protections with separate but equal laws. I cannot fathom how these passed the "Constitutional Test" but they did. These laws were in place into the 1960's in some places in this country. This is also factual. Other historians will also look at the elections of 1876 as a time when the Democrats stole down-ballot elections. While this was never contested successfully back then, there is ample evidence for some to come to that conclusion. My point here is simple: What would this country look like today without the racial strife people have suffered if the Democrats didn't get away with stealing the 1876 election? If this country has endured any racial injustices in the past 144 years, the blame falls clearly on the Democrats for their actions then.

This brings us to today. If we allow the Democrats to steal another election, what will this country look like for the next 100+ years if it even survives as a Constitutional Republic? I am of the opinion that if this is allowed, this country will be forced to endure a different strife but just as repugnant as the racial injustices that have occurred since the last time they stole an election. History cannot be allowed to repeat itself here.


The Common Man

The dark legacy of Rutherfraud B. Hayes.

Tfw copehat and his extreme tds case was basically justified. It's weird watching not just qoomers but relatively normie maga make the mass exodus to OANN and newsmax.

The TDS meme was never anything more than rightoids trying to project their ODS onto leftoids.

-to the injunction

I thought you're supposed to be larping as someone smart.

It's over for Giuliani.