Nintendo can't go a week without causign some smash drama

1  2020-12-09 by Tobyghisa

So a couple of weeks ago I made a post about an insider that got a leak about the weird abusive relationship between Nintendo and the Smash competitive scene. you can find it in my post history.

The same day the leak got to twitter, a bunch of gamers made a bunch of posts protesting the current situation with the hastags #SaveMelee and #FreeMelee and made it trending on Twitter.

Of course, Nintendo didn't really care... until a Splatoon tournament came up and the top teams had some kind of reference to Melee in their name.

When the top four teams all had a SaveMelee name, The livestream for the final was canceled the day before it was meant to be aired.

Now the pathetic part: the official tournament, backed by the company that made the game, had a $ 200 prize pool total.

The final that the fans organized the same day the stream was canceled got an initial $ 1000 prize pool that reached $ 25k after donations, adding #freeSplatoon to the trending hashtags against Nintendo. A lot of people started donating to Slippi, the offending software that made this all start.

Again, Nintendo doesn't really care, they just ignore the noise and move on. Yesterday they sent a C&D letter against a seller making modified Switch controllers in remembrance of Etika, a youtuber that was obsessed with Nintendo that killed himself in 2019. The thing got ugly because 70% of the money went to mental health charities, and again Nintendo was on the spotlight for their behaviour towards the fans.

I like Nintendo for messing with the g*mers, but again and again they act in a way that really seems hostile towards a share of their hardcore fanbase for no reason.


Can a g*mer here tell me why is Nintendo so r-slurred with this stuff? Is it just a bunch of senile old executives that aren't allowed to be questioned because of Japanese work culture?

Quite the opposite.

Nintendo's fanbase is filled with children, manchildren and mentally ill variants of those two. The level of mental maturity is around the 2nd or 3rd grade level. These utterly wonderful people get into completely brain damaged fights with each other over trivial bullshit, police video game hair and kill themselves over infinitely re-released versions of 25 year old games.

Nintendo's policy is to utterly ignore these children. They don't acknowledge the controversies. They don't acknowledge the idiotic demands the wokies make of them. They don't respond to to the drama. Up until the point where it becomes damaging or actually threatening to them. Then they break out a legal bitch slap, tell you to knock it the fuck off, do not negotiate and go back to ignoring it. This is exactly how you should deal with modern controversies.

Remember when they thot-patrolled that PR director who was a prostitute advocating for the legalization of pedophilia?

But they do shit like taking down YouTube videos of people playing their games, that's unequivocally an r-slurred move. And they still don't understand how online games work. Stuff like that would kill a company like Sony or Microsoft if they tried to pull that shit, but Nintendo gets a pass for whatever reason.

It seems like everyone who runs it is still stuck in the 80s. They just do their own thing and make really good games, but they're unbelievably terrible at every other aspect of the business

But they do shit like taking down YouTube videos of people playing their games

All companies should do this to be honest. Not only does it violate their intellectual property, it makes it look like the people who play their games are weirdos from the internet.

Nintendo gets a pass for whatever reason.

sounds like their strategy is working out pretty well for them my guy


Nintendo just seems kinda dumb. They really need a new pr strategy.

They make games for children.

All video games are for children

Good on Nintendo for keeping their g*mer livestock in check. The man children will cry and scream but Nintendo knows they'll still pay up for underpowered consoles and an endless catalogue of rehashed games no matter what they do.



Very based. The Smash Community needs to know their place.

If only Nintendo were known for their stern protection of IP and tendency to C&D anyone for anything so that they could see this coming.

I i don't know which is more pathetic, a children video game company acting like a high school bully or all the screeching about them acting like a bully. Nonetheless good drama clap 👏