I really don't understand you people.

1  2020-12-10 by SandorClegane_AMA

I've seen people act like Cyberpunk will be a gift from God, but now everyone hates it for some reason. Most of the non bug-related complaints I've seen are people complaining about things missing that were never even promised.

You did this to yourselves, putting too much expectation on it. Everything they promised is here, and everything the reviewers from a few months back said is there hasn't been changed, but suddenly, everyone's acting like we didn't get what was promised.

Cyberpunk isn't the game you expected, because you expected too much. CDPR set out to make a good game, not the greatest game of all time.


tfw you finally get a game with girldick but the mouthfeel is wrong

Female "nude" options are very limited compared to male. I do not understand how they can make penis physics and multiple look options but there are no boobs physics. And boobs options look plastic/fake, no full natural option. The one Vagina option is censored also, no anatomical details like labia etc. What a disappointment.

You can't add boobs to men either, I mean really? Why alienate your biggest demographic?!

Based choice from devellopper. Now if only they could have made the jump and removed all vaginas.

I know this is pasta, but I wanted to say it was hilarious watching people critique the game completely unaware of the fact everything they stated was essentially how Witcher 3 played.

Starting Witcher 3 right after a first time Souls binge was painful

I wonder what percentage of W3 players bought it after it got maymayed to death and they went in knowing they were supposed to like it.

Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk are probably going to be good at exactly the same level. The thing that blew my mind were the people that thought W3 was God's gift.

You can never make the internet hate machine happy, especially if it's filled with gamers and Ts.

but now everyone hates it for some reason.


I had extremely high expectations and I'm digging it. Then again I did buy half a dozen foam fingers for Cleganebowl, so maybe I've subconsciously galvanized my hype-related brain processes.

not sure if you're new here but if you feel any way about anything at all you will be banned

AAA games are mostly garbage and the people who buy them or treat them like a big deal are fucking soyfacing plebs

AAA games are the capeshit/star wars/LOTR of gaming and you should probably just kill your.... computer. You should kill your computer.

RDR2 was legit.

yeah there are exceptions

All because fixed boob sizes and flashy lights.

video games are for children.