really makes you think...

1  2020-12-11 by BAZAKBAL_


This game is a drama gold mine

I didn't think it was possible to love CDPR any more, but the amount of s33the, c0pe, and spergout produced by this (totally decent, noteworthy mostly for its art design) bibeo bame has stoked the fires all the hotter.

so you guys are all actually just playing it despite all the shit talking you usually do about vidya

i bet you lot watched all the avengers movies too

Fucking losers. I bet they don't even love girldick

...they fucking better.

Some of you guys are alright, don't go to Trappy's onlyfans tomorrow.

I'm only playing it because $60 isn't a lot of money to me, and buying the game is a very tangible way to spite everyone on gamingcirclejerk.

Also it's fun.

not buying it is a way to piss off everyone else on reddit, which is also a much larger group. and way worse

but i think you're just lying anyway

edit: why did i say "anyway"? i just plain thought you were lying from the get-go

yous ballin

All pretense of anti-cuoum is really just that fetish where you're edged to orgasm and then its ruined right at the climax applied to couom.

Unfair comparison, as capeshit is not cool 😎

capeshit is to comic books almost exactly what this crap is compared to a william gibson novel

so you're kind of dumb huh

I see you have no argument Kite boy 😎

some cyberpunk fan you are

read a book other than harry potter. then maybe you can understand my previous comment

I eagerly await your cyberpunk 2077 review as an expert on science fiction novella.

you buying it for me?

I watched all marvel movies just to say fuck you to DC and all DC movies to say fuck you to marvel

oooh good idea



Please let the car be called 'pitbull'.

I know it's about Jews with the 2%, what's the 17% supposed to be?

Combined penis length, according to the same game.

Or the yaw

Whatever that model is, the statistics don't mean anything! I bet you that model of vehicle is in fact one of the safest.

You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


  1. really makes you think... -,*

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Lol that's going to get patched out once the twatters get wind of it.

They've been screeching for the past year already, luckily with this kind of stuff seems like it's not gonna stop anytime soon

Maybe these disgusting p*lacks are actually good for something other than menial labor!

They should keep up the good work: making tr01ds and gaymers seethe.


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How the fuck am I supposed to talk about nutrition science now? t-slur fats doesn't have the same ring to it???