WHYte women are literally bending over backwards for theories about Hollywood and D.C. eating children.

1  2020-12-12 by SandorClegane_AMA


Stereotypical "yoga chicks" are unironically the most gullible subculture out there, even worse than gamers and q believers in general.

Between all the new agey crystal shit, astrology, holistics, gurus, you name it. Those idiots will believe anything. And it's no fun dealing with that nonsense IRL with somebody who really believes it.

That's why God created MLM. They either learn the limitations of their feeble intelligences or are ostracized by all non-MLM friends and withdraw from society.

It was so satisfying to learn a woman who rejected me now sells dildos to other middle aged white women.

She still won’t have sex with you

Fine by me. She hit the wall a few years after I met her, though she was very pretty before that. What's really funny is that she was a really prudish evangelical at the time. Then her mileage ran out and she went the other way.

And she still won’t give you the time of day

Imagine wanting the attention of biofoids 🤮

Username checks out

Shit's worse in East Asia, where you'll see TV programs talking about this kind of stuff all day long, and women eating all of it up. Hearing them talking about how some "magnetic field" could influence your day is mind-boggling when you remembered they also received basic education.

Yogis are still worse since they like to pretend they are objectively correct.

Turns out vacant white bitches who already fell for one grift will fall for any other as long as it's packaged with words like "empowerment" and a few pictures of sunrises.

Who'd have thought?

A+ title

Titles are all have to offer.

QAnon started an MLM?

Oh god they even discuss 🐎👞 theory fact

They should just go back to being dogpilled.

That’s a MtF but the f is for ferengi


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First gamers then chicks in yoga pants? How does Steve Bannon do it?

He’s still going to jail tho

White women bending over backwards for Hollywood

So nothing new, then


Whyte wymen have been the most psyop group in history