The Office leaves 🍁 Netflix in a few weeks. How will you continue rewatching it for the 12th time?

1  2020-12-13 by HodorTheDoorHolder__

Remember, it was on television during the best years of your life and those memories will be forever lost if you don’t continue your The Office marathon.

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Haha Asian Jim Scott's tots Toby is the worst

They should have done Scott’s Tots in the first two seasons so it would have been a much different but better ending.

Todd Margaret was better cringe comedy by a country mile, but I'll be damned if Scott's Tots didn't produce an actual physical cringe in me.

Much, much better than the dinner party.

The dinner party was more relatable

Fair, but I don't watch TV to be related to.


They're getting Seinfeld with the money they were spending on the office so its an upgrade for netflix viewers.

That's a huge upgrade in terms of comedy, but maybe not when it comes to popularity.

Fair trade


I've never actually watched The Office all the way through. The most I've seen is about 10 episodes from one season. I'm proud of that fact.

Okay zoomer or actual boomer

It's over-rated. It's not bad, but it's not nearly as good as pop culture obsessed millennials make it out to be.

Either version.

it's basically seinfeld or friends the next generation. vanilla standard, but pretty undeniable craftsmanship

woah bro save some pussy for the rest of us

the office is pretty funny but I don’t think it’s worth the cult following it has

Oh ok.

Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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Wait really?? Damn, I just started watching it but am only on season 2.

It’s ok, it goes way downhill from there.

To be fair, its a relatively gentle decline up until Carrell left and then it just falls off the cliff.

Should have bought the DVDs.

Spartacus is gone too. 😡😡😡😡😡


Starz show that showed large horse cock penises and had blood and Romans and things.

Not my cup of tea

Imagine being so pathetic 🤮🤮🤮

torrents are good