lol Barr did almost everything he wanted him to do and more, but because he didn't arrest Hunter Biden or Joe Biden, that means he is a deep state shill put there by Hillary Rodham motherfucking Clinton
he could temporarily appoint some even bigger sycophant that would go along with questioning the election results and maybe do some illegal stuff that Barr wasn't up to
23 JanetYellensFuckboy 2020-12-14
9 UpvoteIfYouDare 2020-12-14
How long have you had that one in your back pocket?
22 tenebrous_cloud 2020-12-14
Can you imagine being a fly on the wall witnessing the absolute meltdown for the last month?
20 somestupidname1 2020-12-14
What's the point in firing someone who's going to be out in a month anyways?
20 YHofSuburbia 2020-12-14
The sweetest thing in the world: petty revenge
12 Tytos_Lannister 2020-12-14
lol Barr did almost everything he wanted him to do and more, but because he didn't arrest Hunter Biden or Joe Biden, that means he is a deep state shill put there by Hillary Rodham motherfucking Clinton
9 muffler_kek 2020-12-14
Hilldawg strikes again
5 TheColdTurtle 2020-12-14
It has always been herturn
1 Pepperglue 2020-12-14
Being Barr must have sucked now. Up until the election, the left absolutely hated his gut; now the right also hates him.
He totally deserved it, though.
4 Tytos_Lannister 2020-12-14
he could temporarily appoint some even bigger sycophant that would go along with questioning the election results and maybe do some illegal stuff that Barr wasn't up to
4 ComedicSans 2020-12-14
Distracts his cult from the fact the Electoral College confirmed Biden today.
9 The_Dramanomicon 2020-12-14
8 AuntTifaSoupOrSoulja 2020-12-14
It was a given after he said they didn’t find evidence of enough voter fraud to change the results of the election
5 Naziwrecker 2020-12-14
A true bureaucrat always resigns before vacation.
4 Lysis10 2020-12-14
lol I always go to the .win site for this stuff and the site is down again lol
2 ComedicSans 2020-12-14
Imagine getting fired by Dementia Daddy because you didn't commit quite enough treason.
2 Doctor-Pavel 2020-12-14
Barr confirmed for admitting that he thinks Rei>Asuka
1 Whaddaulookinat 2020-12-14
So he was fired for heresy.
1 [deleted] 2020-12-14
1 Kodiak_Hypes 2020-12-14
At this point what really separates the US from any post-Soviet mess of a nation? Alphabetperson rights?
1 Giga-Kant 2020-12-14
Boomers. Don't thanks us, it's alright but start working on our pensions or we are crashing this country with no survivors.
1 ManBearFridge 2020-12-14
Has anyone had three AGs in one term before?
1 preserved_fish 2020-12-14
It's at four if you include the acting AGs. Remember that unqualified bald guy?
1 -holier-than-mao- 2020-12-14
Nixon and Truman both had three in their second term.