R-slurred zoomers try to explain how their favorite lego speedrunner got 1/7.5 trillion odds or something. There are definitely gonna be grooming allegations against this guy 3 years from now

1  2020-12-15 by N0ahface


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


  1. R-slurred zoomers try to explain ho... - archive.org, archive.today*

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I could have a 40 man orgy and speedrunning would still be gayer than I.

Some1 explain

I'm still in shock about what happened to Among Us Tuesdays

The rng shown in the speedruns he uploaded was so good that it is virtually impossible to replicate. Its so unlikely that it was most likely done through game modding. The 1 in 7.5 trillion is actually the adjusted number to account for speedruns he didn’t upload that theoretically had normal luck, the actual odds based on the runs he uploaded was more like 1 in 900 trillion or something like that.

Random Seed minecraft speedrunning

This, this is what zero pussy does to a motherfucker