
1  2020-12-15 by l2ksolkov


Those are some soft, girlish hands.

thanks babe

wow, how dramatic

This, but ironically


Your thumb is rotting off 😱

clip ur thumbnail or ull never get a hot e-gf with a big pp


/r/Drama is one of the most reactionary and transphobic subreddits on this website. Their moderators consistently promote this behaviour, and their userbase has been known to harass leftists and brigade their posts.

I created this subreddit as a response to that. All hatred and shenanigans at /r/drama can be catalogued and made fun of accordingly.

There are only two rules: no bigotry and no /r/drama users.


  1. birb -,*

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

get this bitch outta my FACE

Why can't any of your motherfuckers take a picture that's actually in focus? It really isn't that hard.

by the time my phone finishes focusing it’s already out of focus cause the tweetboi moves and doesn’t sit still