Mall Santa says "think of the children" when asked for nerf gun by child. R-slurs cannot let this stand and buy a shipping container worth to own the L-slurs.

1  2020-12-15 by mugiamagi


Santa is anti-second amendment because he fears an empowered elf class. Marx wrote about this.

Little known fact but Marx was in constant contact with a few defector elves living in Stockholm. Most of the letters were lost but there is evidence to suggest Santa's harsh working conditions and treatment of the elves inspired the majority of Das Kapital.

Not saying "You'll shoot your eye out."

I'm starting to think Mall Santa isn't real.

This looks like someone's bait account decided to serious post.

It’s literally harder to shoot your eye out with one of those. What’s next, no slingshots and pocket knives?!

Fuck that's good bait.