Burgers owned

9  2020-12-18 by Aevann01


I'd bet my left testicle the NSA constantly dunks on Russian and Chinese networks. It's just that these countries are too nontransparent and insecure to ever publicize it.

They do, but differently (understand: in a stealthier fashion).

Definitely stealthier, but the transparency factor is very significant.

True. This is for example an interesting case. Some Chinese MSS guys noticed they were owned by the NSA, and they repurposed their tool instead of going public (by far the best choice anyway).

It's probably why you don't see any major published pushback from the US when this happens. They just hit them back twice as hard without the public ever knowing.

Peak cope lol

got em

Stuxnet (US & Israel vs Iran) was on par with what Fancy Bear (Russia) did in Ukraine.

I know Russia has launched cyberattacks against Ukraine, but I haven't seen anything out of Russia that matches Stuxnet in terms of sophistication (anything publicly known, at least). Stuxnet has probably infected far more computers than we know and is advanced enough to completely obfuscate itself outside of networks involved in Iranian nuclear development.

I’m talking about the physical damage Stuxnet and Fancy Bears attacks did on physical infrastructure. To be able to destroy physical things with code is amazing IMO.

Alright, I think I see the comparison you were going for now.

It always amazes me how pretty much everyone forgets how US & Israel carried out nuclear cyber-terrorism against another sovereign state.

But God forbid if Russia has some Facebook ads.

Burgers are such pearl clutching delusional idiots.

Oh I’m not making a both sides argument. The US and Israel are protecting their people. Russia is being an aggressor.

I'm pretty sure almost every country is an "aggresor" sweaty.

Stop aggressing me

Your accusations of aggression are aggression.

I would say it was neither nuclear nor terrorism. Attacking nuclear infrastructure does not make an attack nuclear. STUXNET caused the turbines to go haywire and spin themselves apart. There were no nuclear munitions involved. As for the terrorism charge, the attack was not intended to inspire terror. It was industrial sabotage. Israel, Russia, China, and Five Eyes do this shit to one another all the time.

I spoke to vladi vlad I spoke to Putin, he assured me his people had nothing to do with it! He complimented our POWERFUL nuclear and invited me for turkey! Great leader despite fake news stories!

If a world leader served me turkey, I would assume it was some sort of slight.

If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


  1. Burgers owned - archive.org, archive.today*

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