Furry gets porn drawn of his fursona, fellow anthropomorphic animal enthusiast gets very upset

65  2020-12-19 by snallygaster


That's an ugly af 'sona too.

It looks like it belongs in a shitty mobile game.

This is like that drama, where otherkins telling others to stop lewding their otherkin.


  1. man commissions pron of his fursona
  2. other man complains that man got porn drawn of his fursona because he's emotionally attached to the guy's fursona (???)

Monkey back and ease up on the sweet deadline

The internet revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

From what I hear, there are a bunch of neat new races owo.

I don't get having your fursona being a monkey. That's like basically a person already.

Drawing furry porn for desperate furries should be on a list of career opportunities for digital art grads.

You can absolutely make bank, you just can’t have a moral compass

Could probably do that pretty anonymously right?

Oh. It should be on a list alright

A fursona with the same name as my brand is showing up on. Google. I hate it so much

telling furries not to draw p*rn of something


would you ask the sun not to shine

Promoting anarchofascism for 9 years and counting.


  1. Furry gets porn drawn of his furson... - archive.org, archive.today*

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Wait there's so much ebonics in that thread

Are there really black furriest

You don't know about Sonicfox? He ticks all the boxes for someone /r/drama reeeeees about.

Wait this is this drama? Wasn't it like a sub requirement here last year to draw/photoshop a graphic anatomically correct depiction of KaaraRaven's sona to get approved..?

Sometimes I like to think that Kaara and Marco are together in that big drama sub in the sky.

Same 😢

Who? Òvô

Those messages have got to be edited. I've never seen that much white space at the end of any DM on Twitter .

Their ss vs my test:



Yes I am autistic


Can someone please just put a bullet in my brain right now?