why can't you upload v.redd.it videos in this sub

1  2020-12-20 by Aevann01

i wanna upload a v.redd.it video in this sub


It's an over 18 nsfw sub for now, reddit doesn't want to host porn videos.

Okay this leads to my next question, why is it an over 18 nsfw sub for now?

We put gay porn in the sidebar for Christmas every year.

That seems very anti-diversity. What about people who celebrate Hanukkah?

There's nazi christmas ornaments too.

Cause fuck them kids

figuratively of course

Darqwolff enters the chat.

What is he up to these days by the way?

I have no idea. I always assume people just make a new account and sooner or later out themselves, but haven't seen any "fucking 13 year old girls is totes ok it's ebebobilophile things not pedo things" posts around here.

I always assume people just make a new account and sooner or later out themselves

That can't be possible.

You're saying that people just go on the internet and lie?

I would never do such things because I don’t everrrr ban evade or make alts or any of these things. They’re wrong I tell you wrong.

Christmas CSS

A better question is why would you want to use v.redd.it? Absolutely disgusting. 🤮

it gets better engagement than yt videos cuz ni**as on mobile be lazy

V.Reddit is a bitch to load in my app for some reason. I should switch but fuck redoing all my settings

try Slide, it's pretty easy to setup

Nah fam I just avoid videos now unless I really(x24) wanna see them

okay based

Good idea thanks

Don't v.reddit links crosslink to the OG post? That would break the "no linking to other subs" rule.

You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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