Anyone want to make a loveforalimony?

1  2020-12-23 by closedshop

I think it would be quite good for dramacoin. Although most alimochads are, and may Allah forgive me for uttering this word, Fmoids, the existence of such a sub would cause consternation among the Moid's rights community, which I feel has been lacking recently. Just some food for thought.


I think a sub focused on men getting sole custody of children would be funnier. loveforfucktrophies maybe?

Based based based

Valid suggestion, king.

Muhammad was apparently really affected by the story of Jesus, but then got to the ending and was like "Wtf he gets crucified, that's so dumb, why didn't he just pwn all those guys, duhhh?" To a Christian growing up in a Christian environment Christ being crucified (somewhat oddly) never occurs to us as odd. When attempting to proselytize this is usually one of the first objections missionaries get when attempting to convert, and admittedly it is a truly odd feature of a religion to worship as the almighty someone who your own story admits human beings were able to overpower and nail to a cross to die of exposure. Yet literally this is the entire point of the story, and Christianity. It would not be such a powerful and meaningful narrative otherwise. Someone at some point in time I guess made a small attempt to convert Muhammad to Christianity but didn't do a very good job I think, then Muhammad became the Prophet and God told him nah, the Christians are wrong and your right that their story sucked hard and made no sense, actually he totally escaped the cross like a badass and was really cool.

Great job Muhammad, thanks for correcting the record, your version is much better man than the one in our own religion entirely focused around the worship of Christ, like apparently we just forgot that bit, like not a shred of paper anywhere with a single hint of anything like your version written down, no oral record at all. Like apparently we lost it because we just copied the scriptures so sloppily that we changed entire major plot points like the central tenet of the religion and the entire fucking point. Thanks Muhammad, man at first glance you're version sounds suspiciously like something we would hear from the mouth of a confused pagan in the jungle upon first telling the story of Jesus, like they don't get the point and try to improve it and make it so that he beats up his captors or something. But of course Muhammad wrote directly from God so it's completely different. Man so strange that we became the world's largest religion with such a clear and obvious mistake, even though like clearly our story was bad and sucked and wasn't right.

Muhammads version is so good in fact that Muslims are like nah just don't wheel bother with the Jewish or Christian scriptures at all, never read those, they're all wrong and I corrected everything and have everything you need right here. Like seriously, just completely threw out all that culture and history as superfluous and of no value. God made a covenant with the people of history one day, and the next he's raving about trees demanding you kill his people at end times. Makes perfect narrative sense and doesn't sound like some seething after a slapfight with some Jews, why can't that see I'm they're Messiah. And also Jesus was Messiah too confusingly, nobody mentioned such a thing as having two messiahs, one who yelled some pretty decent fire at the pharisees a bit before he got crucified and then a hellenized Jew ran with the story and ranted about how bad and awful a seemingly imaginary version of Rabbinic Judaism was, and another who was like just a random goy not even in Israel and also he's actually the only one that matters and you can ignore all the others, in their scriptutes. And let's just say, the concept is a nomadic ethnoreligious group that thinks God made a covenant with them or something. They're weird, it is baffling that they survived all this time, like almost nobody the entire time was impressed, everybody wanted to kill them, and were like wtf why does this exist this is wrong. Muhammad seems to have been no exception, said a few nice things, lost a few arguments because he didn't really understand them, got a bit mad and talked some shit. Except of course is God speaking through Muhammad, and suddenly wrote there's some antisemitism. Uh huh.

You know Christianity and Judaism resulted ultimately from a schism, and you can tell that. Christianity lost the ethnoreligious aspects, like it was clearly the result of very hellenized Jews, Jesus himself is rabbinic but the guys who ran with his story to the goys were halfway Greek themselves. But the core religious tenets are there and it clearly has a similar foundation. Rebellious Jews, but still Jews. Muhammad, like how clearly is it the result of observation and imitation? Muhammad was like I got this, then like he starts correcting our religious tenets helpfully, throws the first ever hatred of the Jewish people from the mouth of God into the narrative, and in the end is like yeah don't read that stuff. Jeez I wonder why it's so important people not read it, not like it fundamentally contradicts the foundation of he put in place in a way that is clearly the result of ignorance of the path he claimed to be a continuation of. Not that you read any of this shit but FYI literally no other Prophet requested nobody read the work of his predecessors. Just Muhammad has to be sure you weren't misled by reading stuff he has yet to filter first. Kind of sus. Anyway FYI just so you know if this whole story ends with us reveling while we finally kill all the Jews, the narrative literally makes no sense, there is no conceivable way it can be claimed this is a single continous revelation. Like you say the texts are corrupted, theirs no conceivable amount of corruption that could make that a coherent and satisfying narrative. It's literally a traditional history of the Jewish people, and at the end trees are like hey kill this Jew behind me. It's like if I produced a sequel to the Iliad and it ends with me murdering the entire Greek people in a genocidal rampage.. I don't think peoples would but it if I slapped Homer on there.

Anyway he was really good at uniting the Arab tribes, A+ part of the story, really inspiring. If only it could happen like a second time ever in history, which it won't, like you're literally back to the same petty squabbling that was the problem before Islam. Good job wasting all that.

I also have to point out that that bit about him dancing and allying with three Jewish tribes who he at subsequent points in the story winds up successively extirpation, like yeah, that didn't happen bro. The Jews keep records of this shit, you think masses of their people would get massacred in the Arabian penuinsala and they wouldn't know? They have no clue what you're talking about, that wouldn't fucked up all their trade networks, nope Muhammad does not actually have that blood on his hands. At some point in history somebody decided that would make an improvement to the narrative and just made it up. FYI actually to all us people of the book this is the point in the story where our frowns start turning upside down, wait so after that big deal about the alliance he just slaughters literally all of us. Uh how is this supposed to make us feel comfortable and reassured? It kind of undermines the entire point. You seriously couldn't leave any people of the book central in the narrative without winding up with them dead? Again, someone made it up, you can take it out, I guarantee without all the Jew killing actually he'll come off more sympathetic actually, it's kind of superfluous.

Btw all this is the truth and unaltered word of God unlike the old stuff. Yep it went through an oral period, even the Koran which wasn't written down until after Muhammad's death, completely uncorrupted. Also I see some guy at some point claimed to have been really thorough in selecting the hadith and then stamped them with the word authentic, a really long time ago. Like every hadith literally includes this, just the word authentic. Like they wouldn't ever publish one they claimed inauthentic anyway, it's completely redundant, for some reason at some point in time someone thought this was necessary and would be really impressive and prove their point. Guess what that guy could literally write anything he wanted and stamp it authentic, little magic trick, don't think about it.

There is that hadith about some Jew who was really good friends with Muhammad and died in battle fighting with him and was greatly respected. Nobody seems to care for that one for some reason.

please please please go post this one on a bunch of Islamic subs and report back




These are getting longer and more concerning.

And funnier

Should have both a pretend they're competing to really rile up the morons.


That would really generate the seethe

'lovefor__' is way too hamfisted and derivative at this point to be successful. You'd also have to find a subject that not only would be controversial on reddit but wouldn't make reddit counterculture basementdwellers upset enough to not roleplay it, which won't happen with MRA stuff like alimony.

it's time for banime

that is a great idea for a troll sub

bananime is not very active, but it should be.

Tbh I agree at this point. Plus, the reddit normies have largely caught on that there's a bait element to it. LFL still produces some funny drama, but idk if everything need the treatment.

I prefer love for taxation or mortgage.

In my opinion, the dramacoin comes from the fact that a specific person is profiting from being a landlord or scalper. It's your landlord who is profiting off your rent and tip. It's the scalper you're paying money to who's making 300% returns on his PS5. The drama is not as directed when it's your bank or country, since there's no one single person who is profiting. In my opinion, it has to be a single person for someone to direct their s**the at.

Just posting articles about the moid being an idiot in the family court room would probably be enough to get them riled up.

Are you black or something? Why do you think fathers don't exist?


  1. Anyone want to make a loveforalimon... -,*

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snappy reads the comments too, 10000% confirmed now

love for drawing Muhammad (PBUH)

Would be banned within a day.

No the jannies would likely be murdered in a peaceful protest

No. Making fun of religions is never funny and to be honest, it isn’t very nice.

Gotta at least pretend it's not trolling, called it the Muhammad fan club and just mainly post our "fan art"

The OP really encapsulates the brainrot of the loveforx trend. The hamfistedness completely ruins it, while it took you minimal brain power to tweak it just enough to make it plausible.

LoveForX is forced and unfunny and I'm tired of pretending it's not.

I would really like loveforthefeds, where we would show appreciation for our FBI heroes that protect us all and trigger commies and lolbertarians at the same time

Damn, this could be fun.

Have autojanny spam all the moids with stuff about LVMs.

I’m all for riling up moids, but the mras who deserve to be trolled are already wound up like a cheap watch.

I like the idea, but find a different name from Loveforx. It’s been used way too much

Are there any black supremacist subreddits? Making one that makes horrible antiwhite posts and black supremacist ones and then defends itself with the woke redefinition of racism would get the antiwoke mad and would attract actual dumbass hoteps that could be milked.