Some well adjusted, properly socialized individual wrote a 500 pages long google doc about the problematic nature of a 13 year old shipper

1  2020-12-28 by Woolgun


I once wrote an in depth research paper on a subject I cared deeply about for law school. Even I stopped giving a shit about it round 100 pages in.

What was it about?

tldr Epic Systems is horseshit, Congress need to amend the Arbitration Act since scotus has deemed private arbitration agreements trump even state law.

Congress needs to

They knew fully well that congress doesn't pass that kind of bill anymore.

The author apparently includes pictures of their antidepressants and antipsychotics to prove they're sane.



The original has now been taken down due to reports from everyone who saw that twitter thread. There is an archive but it loads weirdly, like there are empty pages or pages with only 1-2 lines of text*0qa2cUtTQQhTyy-YI-4UuQ


The industrial revolution and its consequences, etc.

What's a shipper

N-slur how tf do you not know

Its someone who fantasises about fictional characters shtupping each other


Mostly online dog fuckers and gaze.

What the fuck is a gaze?

Say it with me: The Internet was a mistake.