SNL Refused To Play This Sketch!!! Wonder Why (🇺🇸❤️🇮🇱)???

1  2020-12-28 by HodorTheDoorHolder__


SNL cuts a ton of sketches. Some of them are funny but don't fit the target audience.

This one was cut because it wasn't funny. Deal with it. The writing has to be really bad to have a sketch with Bill Hader, Kenan Thompson, and Jason Sudeikis not be funny.

Wow the put all the 3 funny people at SNL and it still sucks

they even got pan pan to play the bald guy :(

he was also the guy with the gamecube in bro rape if you remember that gem

Please, SNL runs unfunny shit constantly. This was cut because it said the quiet part out loud.

Yeah sure thing. SNL clearly tryed to conceal this message by writing this sketch, rehearsing it, performing it at dress rehearsal the day of the show in front of a live audience, then uploading it to their official YouTube channel with millions of subscribers.

Stay woke everybody.

Lol why is everyone on this website so aggressively mentally deficient. You just replied to my comment with an article that supports the point I was making.

SNL landed in "hot water" for the sketch after it was uploaded online. In other words, the trouble could have been avoided had they not written the sketch, rehearsed it, performed it at dress, then uploaded the sketch to their official YouTube channel with millions of subscribers. And despite the ensuing pressure from the Israel group, the video remains up seven years later, so they didn't cave. Nothing is being concealed here, sweetheart.

Far fewer people see shit hidden away on a youtube channel than during the actual show.

It's fully possibly after recording that sketch, the people in charge of selecting what airs and does not air said "you know what, this might hurt us a little" and pulled it for that reason.

People film tonedeaf stuff like this fairly often. Them recording it doesn't mean anything.

"Hey guys, I'm thinking this sketch could get us in some big trouble with the j00s. Let's just permanently publish it on our official YouTube channel where it can be viewed by anyone, including our millions of subscribers, forever."

You really don't get it. Deleting the video attracts more attention to the video, deleting the video does literally nothing.

Any competent PR shill knows this, too.

Lol no one would have seen it if they hadn't uploaded it in the first place.

Sir, do you understand that they cut sketches between dress and the live show literally every episode of SNL, and that those sketches are frequently uploaded to YouTube? They typically write and rehearse more content than can fit in their allotted air time, so they make cuts. Look up "SNL cut for time" on yt. There is no J00ish conspiracy here.

That's exactly what someone defending a jewish conspiracy would say.

Brother, go one step further. It's all a conspiracy to make it look like it's a Jewish conspiracy, so that you'll say something like "It's a Jewish conspiracy!" and look like an idiot. This is a trap that they pull, you know, those people of unknown ethnic character who are behind all this stuff. You have fallen right for it. One must always be on the lookout for plots by these people, that are always trying to make it seem as if clearly the Jews are behind something. It will seem so obvious and clear, and then you say it and sound like an idiot, and they cackle within their hidden councils, with their noses that are hideous but definitely not too large or hook nosed, and their eyes which are equally as hideous, but not at all small and beady. One must never succumb to their plans.


I knew it was a council of antisemitic caricatures! Allah confound them!

Wow such an interesting point 🤔

Yes, but imagine if there were a council of antisemitic caricatures, and they sent a direct order to censor this deviant media which is the enemy of zion, and it was obeyed? And then they continued on with their usual activities of poisoning wells, and collecting the blood of Christians. That would also theoretically explain this incident wouldn't it? Very curious that this explanation exists which explains the circumstances, but you posit another.

It’s been on their YouTube channel for like 7 years, and more people use YouTube than watch fucking SNL at this point. But yeah, totally a conspiracy by the j00s

It's definitely a conspiracy, but not Jewish. Don't worry, I'm an expert in the study of non Jewish conspiracy. Nearly half of all conspiracy, it's non-Jewish in fact. Jews are like the Carbon in this chemistry of conspiracy, that bond with so many other insane ravings. But people almost entirely forget there's a whole world out there if other elements, other conspiracies.

Allah confound you, you are trying to lead me into antisemitism.

There's is a massive, all encompassing, worldwide conspiracy by some people of unknown ethnic character, to falsely convince me that there is a massive, all encompassing worldwide Jewish conspiracy. May Allah curse them. I will not give into these devils and profane the holy name of Yisrael. Behind every conspiracy that seem to be a Jewish or Israeli conspiracy, there is a yet larger conspiracy that is neither of these things, and only seems to be Jewish due to how racist you'd look if you called them out naively. With deeper examination one can come up with a deeper and yet more insane sounding explanation of this conspiracy, and everyone will be far more impressed and baffled than if your had simply gone the easy way. It definitely exists though, never stop this kind of thought.

When at judgment day the trees cry out, "There is a Jew behind me!", a true brother of Allah must proceed cautiously, glance at the tree and interrogate it, "Oh yes, a Muslim walks by so you think, this is some savage that just wants to kill a Jew right, racist ". Allah has blessed the brother with many woke points. And if the tree insists, the brother of Allah must make it known, loudly and clearly, "Hey everyone I'm just going to have a good check behind this tree to see if there are any people of the book who need my protection". And behind that tree, who knows, there might be a Yazidi, or a Shia, or something. How foolish the brother of Allah would have looked had he acted rashly!