Electric zaddy is confirming a mobile video game to his car, and there are some subreddits about it are very upset.

1  2020-12-29 by TheColdTurtle


It's the u2/apple fiasco all over again.

ratio this!

It's literally 2010s 4chan NYPA all over again.

Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


  1. Electric zaddy is confirming a mobi... - archive.org, archive.today*

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Damn, I remember playing polytopia.

shame on you Musk, on the GPU that runs that self-autonomous driving, you can surely play something more demanding than a fucking mobile game

I’ve played that game! It’s alright tbh

It is pretty fun. For some reason I can't steam roll as the desert guys even though the ai just demolishes everything as that tribe