Over on a discussion forum about children's hobbies on adult tools and about how violence comes into play, "people" are debating whether cigarettes cause cancer

1  2020-12-29 by wellletsee

Your level of 'science' understanding is incredibly low.

No, there is no causal link between smoking cigarettes and lunch cancer.

Playing any video games for hours a day without social interaction can cause depression, the types of children who are allowed to play video games for many hours a day have parents who don't control their media intake. Parent's who don't control their children's media intake are also the parents who don't care if their children play violent video games.

Therefor, if my assumption is true, simply taking away your children violent video games wouldn't do much at all. If they are still playing 10 hours of animal crossing a day, they will still develop depression at a higher rate just as the kid playing GTA for 10 hours a day would. This is akin to taking away the ice cream, to protect your kid from drowning.

Video Games. Not even once.


Lunch cancer is a serious issue effecting 1/4 of rrr drama jannies

Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


  1. Over on a discussion forum about ch... - archive.org, archive.today*

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