Dementia D*ddy's crazy lawyer accuses Chief Justice John Roberts of murdering Scalia and joining the pedo cabal

1  2020-12-31 by The_Dramanomicon


Stupid baseless claims in the form of questions

Giant face picture.jpg

That's a bit on the nose isn't it. Like internet circa 2005.

Is Lin Wood a shape shifting reptile?

You be the judge!

When D*ddy sends his people, he's not sending his best.

He's doubling down too

And daring Roberts to sue him

Did I mention he has a case pending before SCOTUS? Accusing the Chief Justice of murder and child trafficking is an interesting strategy, I have to say.

He actually has another lawyer representing him. That guy must be drinking himself to death tonight.

As central member of the "John Roberts is an annoying fence sitter incapable of writing an opinion on something other than procedural defects" hate club, this is a new one to me.

I was a big fan of the rumor that the ranch Scalia died at was probably shuffling him and other big politicians prostitutes and he might have died with a hooker or two nearby, but never heard a murder rumor lmao

I remember when the whole kraken thing was just getting going and even the 'normal' posters on r con were praising this guy usually by saying 'lin woods is a serious lawyer with a good reputation so if he says it it's likely true'.

Now we're here, hes accusing supreme court justices of murder and pederasty, all in the span of one month

The best part is he was a respected lawyer. He respresented Richard Jewell, Herman Cain, The Ramsey family, and every dramanaut's favorite case The Sandmann versus CNN. He sued DaVita Healthcare and won almost $500 million. And everybody here probably knows he's been representing Kyle.

Then D*ddy lost and it broke his brain

If this is indeed Kyle Rittenhouse's lawyer, that boy is fucked

Wood's going to convince the judge to bring back the chair just for him.

Where do they even come up with this shit, honestly. Best fent on the planet.

I guess politicians are just gonna dick size now and one-up each other without regard to the people they are supposed to represent. I'm gonna sit back and watch it all as people told me how important it was to vote for the right candidate.

This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


  1. Dementia D*ddy's crazy lawyer accus... -,*

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What did Roberts do to piss off the righties again this time?

Roberts hasn’t been enough of a hardliner Federalist Society judge for rightoids even though his case history has shown him ruling super consistently with the other conservative justices.

He didn't let then release the Kraken




Refused to throw out the election and proclaim Trump the winner by fiat.

Is this the same guy trying to convince Georgia Republicans not to vote in the runoffs?


The logic is just inescapable

DDR losing has provided us with so much drama from so many different people.

I would have never imagined that the sperg could eclipse 2016 but they proved me wrong

Then go upvote my vindication post. I predicted this shit would happen. that DDR and his supporters would sperg out to 11, if he lost.

Already did

thanks, makes me happy.

The tweets about my insanity are at an all time high this morning. Wonder why? No worries. I am fine. The attacks do not concern me.