Dementia Dady afraid of getting iced by agents loyal to other Dementia Dady, gets new SS detail loyal to Dementia Dady

1  2020-12-31 by JimieWhales


You may think you're hot stuff, the Fred Astaire of this topic — but if you're Fred Astaire, I'm Ginger Rogers: Anything you can do, I can do — backwards, without looking, and in high heels.

You're a computer systems engineer? Wow! Have you publicly called out the CEO of Intel for the untrustability of their encryption blackbox silicon? Have you explained at an ELI5 level the feasibility and utility of peer-to-peer communications network routing? How about explaining fast fourier transforms to a college kid? These are just the things in computer science I've been gilded for. That doesn't count the parts where I picked up the comment of an actual climate scientist that demolishes every single claim made in your oldest gilded comment. Or the two years worth of reddit gold other people gifted me just for being the flagbearer of that comment. That doesn't cover where I kneecapped a transphobe's Loaded Question in an AMA in /r/science. Oh, and then there was the one where I explained morphological diversity and the evolutionary basis of intelligence in Aves and Mammalia.

And those are just the gilded comments.

That doesn't cover the comments where I haven't been gilded, like when I shredded the methodology of a trash poll conducted to produce misleading public support figures on the question of whether trans people ahould be allowed to use a restroom.

The thing is, that once someone has been a scientist, they never stop being a scientist. They never stop thinking rationally and critically. They tear apart obvious bullshit with ease after years of doing peer review with actual scientists, after working with their advisors and departments to produce a worthwhile and defensible doctoral thesis, even.

Your most recent gilded comment is a regurgitation of a Stormfront / White Supremacist blogosphere talking-points memo, which in turn was based on a bullshit misread of a statistical publication, by conflating causation with correlation.

And no, my capslock key isn't stuck; I prised it off my keyboard two decades ago so that I would have to be cognisant of holding Shift with my pinky while typing, so that I wouldn't accidentally hose up Windows 2000 source code. Every capitalised letter I write is intentional.

I have no more time to play slapbox with you.


  1. Dementia Dady afraid of getting ice... -,*

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Every time I read a Fartbin copypasta I start to develop autism

Re-assignments and promotions are common during transition periods between presidential administrations and are meant to increase comfort and trust between a president-elect and his security team


He should have an elite team of femme-fatales like Khadafi did. Six feet tall MINIMUM, platinum blonde, bronze skin. No lower body armor of course, for easier grabs.

If they're 6 ft tall then how will he smell their hair?

Biden is 6'

Bernie might be tall in theory, but he's a hump in practice

virgin Bernie vs chad Biden (or Jeb!)

Wait, fuck, which dementia daddy are YOU talking about? I'm on the TrumpExpresd! Choo Choo mother fucker Trump/Clinton 2024!

Also, anecdotal evidence(My projector on the wall of my barn) suggests that Trump is nine and a half feet tall. Biden is barely three feet tall on my flatscreen.

He should go for 7 feet tall and smell their other hair

Dementia Daddy (D) is gonna have a hell of a time in office. So many women to fondle. And he has the benefit of knowing to burn the blue dress and finish in a tissue.

Wasn't there a long time rumor that he groped the wife of a really popular secret service agent and there was a confrontation and 3D got the agent fired? Also he supposedly would haul ass to places all of a sudden with little to no notice so it would cause massive spur of the moment planning to accommodate it for his safety? I'm pretty sure I heard all of this in like 2010 or so.

Mr. Biden... went out of his way to spend time with their kids when they visited the White House.




Had to get the anecdote about Hillary in.