In the closing days of this wonderful political chess game, DDR asks Ga. secretary to “find him 11,780 votes.”

1  2021-01-04 by Maskedrussian


it's like some dumbass movie villain that admits to everything for no reason 5 minutes before the movie ends lol

unless he pardons himself or travels to Brazil to be with his good buddy Bolsonaro, Trump is fucked

Never underestimate the power of "it's time to move on and heal as a nation". Or, presidents don't want to live in fear because they went after their predecessor.

Normally I'd agree, but Trump was so uniquely toxic and so partisan that I don't know if the democratic establishment will be able to quench the bloodlust of the base.

Trump has multiple states coming down on him rn and I find it very hard to believe he hasn't engaged in tax fraud and other financial crimes.

He's in very serious trouble.

Biden will probably avoid getting involved unless Trump forces his hand with something really crazy, he'll try to leave it to the states.

Any prosecutor who can get Trump will be rewarded with such a high amount of political clout that there will definitely be many who go after him

Getting to Charles II territory here, not of the ultimate outcome but those in positions of authority questioning what were assumptions of executive perrogative and special rights. In this case state AG's are the regicide judges, but it's a lot harder to hide out in a cave in New Haven these days.

Various coping in the regular rightoid haunts

DDR is clearly making himself as irredeemable as possible to shift his base back to the neocons to save the right.

Next he is going to 5D shoot and ladder someone in DC.

It's all part of his plan to refill the swamp he drained.

Might have to head over to stupidpol and watch them desperately try to defend this and spin it as totally not a big deal.

That sub perma banned me for dunking them over and over again so all I can do is browse and mock them.

What happened to them? Like a year ago, they were dangerously close to being normal people. They laughed at woketards but weren't Trumpies. Then...? Then banned people laughing at communists and...? What happened?

This same thing happens to every left-wing sub that is unmoderated.

  • leftists naturally tend to be anti-establishmentarians.

  • the rightoids flood in posting anti-woke bullshit because they think they're in a safe space.

  • the native population starts moving more to the right.

In the case of stupidpol their entire worldview is primarily "democratic party bad" and thus anything that democrats say is bad, and anyone that attacks democrats is good, no matter what.

It's why you see a swarm of them show up to defend daddy/shill election fraud conspiracies whenever they can.

And yet they bitch about brigading and needing safe spaces.. almost like you need either A. Constant moderation or B. a very closed ecosystem for an online community to not go off the rails.

108 subs, etc. etc.


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Their anti idpol is actually just idpol grounded in the aesthetics of their work and their internet media habits.

A year ago they still thought Bernie would be president. He lost and they lost their minds.

I lol’d at “he’s a good lawyer he has a good last name” 😂

Maybe that’s how he ended up with Giuliani

Maybe he just thinks everyone with a weird name is Jewish.

Imagine being so bitch made that you wouldn't hang up on that shit.

Maybe he leaked it.

He definitely leaked it.

He admitted as much today, so we're right.

Leakage occurred at 51:40.
