"Everything Is Talking" about John Roderick, former frontman of The Long Winters, after he dares make a joke about... beans.

1  2021-01-05 by Yellowofthecornholio

Imagine my surprise when John Roderick made a massive storm all over the internet this weekend. He generally has a pretty dry, snarky sense of humor and tends toward subtle satire.

Naturally, bluechecks on Twitter, lacking in all understanding of subtlety, satire, or humor, found a thread he had written about fucking with his daughter about opening a can of beans. Turns out this amounts to LITERAL CHILD ABUSE.

After getting outraged, they dug into his history and found ironic replies from almost a decade ago.

Clearly he is an earnest antisemitic racist monster, and not someone intentionally mocking those types.

Also, you should check out the Ultimatum EP. It's really good, and amazingly prescient for something written in 2005.


Siding with someone who takes 6 hours to solve a jigsaw puzzle. Also a blue checkmark. How could you?

Lmao cancelled from MBMBAM too

Wait wait wait. Hold on. I can’t keep up with this shit.

Are you saying that “Bean Dad” the living meme that no one can shut the fuck up about is the guy from the Long Winters? Am I misremembering or wasn’t on Song Exploder for... *the Commander Thinks Aloud? *

Haven't thought about Richie K. Sureway in years.

Yep. It's off of that Ultimatum EP along with the titular track (a song about casually seeing someone who wants more than you can offer) and Everything Is Talking, which basically predicted the direction smart tech would take years before it took off.

Dude is genuinely one of the more thoughtful people I've come across. Shame this is what most people's exposure to him will be - especially given he's done long-form podcasts thoroughly debunking antisemitic and racist talking points.

Siding with a Twitter longposter 🤢🤢🤢

His Instagram presence more than makes up for it

Are you serious? "Haha I've subverted the meme" is as overdone as memes themselves by now.

He had some good tweets before nuking his account.


Roderick dramaposter confirmed. Someone mod this mad man.

The twitter thread showed up on my TL as it was blowing up. I skimmed over the thread, saw it was a 25 tweet chain written in reddit style, and proceeded to immediately block him. I'm glad he nuked his account

Oh dear he made metabigoted joke comments in 2010 when literally everybody was making metabigoted joke comments.