Totally-not-a-cult explains why you shouldn't abandon your family, instead, teach them about sprit-cooking and make them swear an oath (to you).

1  2021-01-05 by JimieWhales

I'm losing my family

I bought my dad epoch times newspaper and my parents are based now!

Comments like this are why .win is better than Reddit. I remember when loved ones would disagree with the forums on that site. OP would be told to disown family and friends over a disagreement.

One day, one of my sons and I tried explaining spirit cooking to my husband. He was driving so we tried not to overwhelm him. It’s such a bizarre thing that he just turned and looked at us like we were crazy. Another time, the subject came up during a birthday get together. Someone alluded to human sacrifice when discussing conspiracies and I blurted out Marina abramovich’s name. My son in law looked at me and burst out laughing. He knows. I think he was shocked that #I# know.

I have an extended family of rich libtards and I happen to have the fancy STEM degree while the rest are doctors and lawyers. None of them are currently able to see my children or speak to me until they apologize or take an oath (to me) to defend their country and freedom.

You aren't alone. Your family has been brainwashed by a political cult and have deemed you a suppressive person. If you've seen any documentary on scientology the principle is virtually the same.



These people are the ones the entire family labels as batshit crazy and no one wants around. Every family has at least 1. "Losing family" is more like people are sick of their schizotalks and just say "jfc stfu you schizo."

Q anon is a big problem tbh. A lot of people are losing their loved ones to this cult and there's just no way to counter it.

I'd compare it to losing a loved one to Alzheimer's or something, they're there, but they really aren't.

It's a vacuum that has sizable presence on all social media (afaik) with a message that anyone who isn't in with Q or has left is either blind to the truth or actively trying to hide it. A large portion is people who either aren't into politics (or weren't when they discovered it) or tech illiterate people who will take headlines, photos, videos and text posts at face value and have little interest of researching it. By the time someone tells them to actually dig into it before believing, they're already balls deep into an echo chamber who will assure them that the reason they can't find a single crumb of truth to the claims is because it's being hidden by [Insert boogeyman here.]

If you make a personal effort to discredit the few claims they might have sent you or posted themselves, it doesn't even matter because by the time you're ready to have this conversation they've already decided that 10 more things are true. It's basically just a hydra on steroids where trying to prove them wrong is fruitless because it somehow gets even more bizarre and more frequent.

Not to wordswordswords for too long but I've had too many friends and family that dove off the deep end, and I'm just waiting for them to start sharing gangstalking posts or creating some of their own.

This, is in general, how regular conspiracism works.

Being in a cult like this is just a seriously amped up version of conspiracy.

Yeah pretty much, I think the fact it got recognition by politicians is what really helped it take off.




I wrote about it being a cult 2+ years ago. No one believed me. I have a thing for the mentally unfit and deranged. I study cults on my free time.

I'm like a blood hound for finding fucking mentally ill retards.

My ex's cousin got all worked up about Q supporters years ago when Q first started and I laughed in his face because of how ridiculous it is. Just one of a cascade of examples that have since proven my naivete about what people are comfortable believing. It keeps happening too, somehow I haven't become desperately cynical but I feel like I'm headed towards death by 1000 cuts.

I don't really remember your stuff, but I thought Snally's and some other's assertion of it being a cult mentality was positively received here. Except for a few rightoid hardliners, of course.

I personally uses the term "religious fanaticism" when I describe it to people I know, but I think they are of the same energy.

Watching the kids get into it on tiktok and make all the same mistakes the boomers made 2-3 years ago was actually depressing. Im hoping i saved a few people by ridiculing them for buying into a grift to specifically sell WWG1WGA merch to senior citizens

I bought my dad epoch times newspaper and my parents are based now!

Anybody taking Epoch Time seriously deserves a bullet.

We live in a society where Epoch Time is gaining influence. Jesus Fucking Christ.

what is spirit cooking? I know alcohol is called spirits.

I was surprised to discover it's just a poem that some highbrow artist wrote (in pigs' blood because edgy) for an art installment. Spirit Dinners is what drives rightoids mad, and all that amounts to is LARPing about it at a fundraiser.

Have they heard about the installation art where somebody put a Cross in urine in 1980s. I bet that would have made them go into shock.

a crucifix in a jar of urine

I'm certain a share of them have heard of arr drama.

We are too lowbrow for them

Brows so low we're legally blind.

Can I get a source I’d look it up but I don’t want facebook to start recommending me stupid shit

According to QAnon, it's when Hilary Clinton murders children and eats their adrenal glands or something in order to make herself immortal.

Qtards: If these elites have the cannibal secret to immortality, how come they all look like an alligator that got run over by a carpet shampooer? Checkmate, Q!

I'd link to the actual thread but apparently is like reddit's voldamort tetragrammaton because you can't even include the whole URL in text posts. If you know how to use a search engine, there's plenty more crazy where this came from.

yeah it's sitewide banned. I read it now daily for the crazyposting.

I have an extended family of rich libtards and I happen to have the fancy STEM degree while the rest are doctors and lawyers. None of them are currently able to see my children or speak to me until they apologize or take an oath (to me) to defend their country and freedom.

This is the trash taking itself out

Epoch Times

lmao isn’t that run by the Shen Yun people?