Menstruating persons can't handle the competition from heckin' valid persons in sports. 4000 replies.

1  2021-01-05 by SandorClegane_AMA


Then where are all the tslur gold medalists? I’m waiting 👀

All three medalists in the 2016 women's 800m track had XY karyotype. I think that this is good and should be encouraged, no halfway measures like enforcing t-blockers, no, let them compete. Women deserve this. Also it would be fun to watch.

They should have “Natty” Olympics.

They should also have anything goes Olympics. I’d love to see people freakbeasted out beyond normal human potential.

"Mr Olympic" or whatever bodybuilding competitions already do this and they are freaking me out. There are also women's competitions, which are the same but a bit smaller and with coffee cup tits bolted on the human muscles prop.

I agree with the super Olympics. I don't care if he has heart disease and diabetes from the HGH, roids, and amphetamines or if he'll die at 40, I just want to see how fast a human can really run.

There are still other boundaries. For example some Nike Shoes are banned from marathon running since they were specifically designed to minimise the energy lost as friction when taking a step. Where do you draw the line on things like that?

What part of no rules is confusing? I wanna see a guy with literal springs on his legs like those ones that runners use to cheat in the special olympics, coked out of his mind running 70mph.

Your guy with literal springs on his legs gets beaten by me on my bike. You need a boundary somewhere.

The boundary is running you rslur, 200mph bicycling will be a different event

I wouldn't call literal springs on legs running, more like bouncing if you ask me.

Ok boomer

Still need a boundary between what classifies as running vs cycling...

Why don't you go watch Olympics Classic, clearly the Super Olympics isn't for you

Bring on the cyborg Olympics: inject them full of adrenaline and replace their femurs with meter-long titanium struts.

This is hilarious, how was this not bigger news?

enforcing t-blockers is kinda hot ngl

Women with Swyer syndrome aren't t-slurs though.
So your problem isn't with t-people per say, but with people who don't have XX chromosomes in womens sports?

See this is where it gets so tricky when trying to enforce these silly fucking right wing social justice rules. Even if you start enforcing t-exclusionary rules in sorts, ciswomen will still have to compete against t-men (those exist as well, you know, those are the ones that can menstruate)


So, why don't we just go all the way and separate white runners from black runners since Nilotic people have a genetic advantage when it comes to their long legs and slender build?

Many Nilotic groups excel in long and middle distance running. Some researchers have suggested that this sporting prowess is related to their exceptional running economy, a function of slim body morphology and slender legs.[53] A study by Pitsiladis et al. (2006) surveyed 404 elite Kenyan distance runners; it found that 76% of the international-class respondents identified as part of the Kalenjin ethnic group and that 79% spoke a Nilotic language

So your problem isn't with t-people per say, but with people who don't have XX chromosomes in womens sports?

I don't have a problem with them, I say: the testosterone requirements are unfair and unenforceable, let's have the tslurs compete without restrictions, I'm not going to fight against you here, I'm going to support you enthusiastically. That's all.

That's cool.
Rationality is a rare sight on this shithole subreddit.

Don't confuse rationality with batting for the object-level Pareto-optimal outcome. I for one am a tslur accelerationist, doing all that I can to plunge us into the tslur insanity as deep and fast as possible and hoping that when we emerge either we have XX and open sports leagues or that women are deservedly forever BTFO, hoisted on their own "let's accommodate tards against all common sense because awww" petard.

I was on that side of the Paralympics debate for a long time until I met someone that was trying for the teams. They are genuinely athletes and deserve their own events.

That said I would never watch it because: A) I don’t care about sub-optimal spectacle B) I don’t care about sports in general

Everyone that says otherwise is either related to an athlete, an athlete themselves, or a virtue signaling idiot.

Now if you go ahead and switch Paralympics for Women Olympics or, best yet, women soccer, the above comment stays the same.

Nobody thinks the paralympics is equivalent to the olympics in quality though. However we still seem to treat a women's gold medal as having similar prestige as a men's.

I was thinking more about the people watching it, because people in sports perceive “prestige” (I’m using your words even tho I disagree) in a different way.

It’s about giving your all and making it in your own category. A featherweight champion in boxe is as much of a winner as a heavyweight for other athletes, even if the latter obviously has a bigger audience and paychecks (which is what I assume you mean with what you call prestige).

Same goes for paralympics. Able-bodied athletes actually respect paralympians a lot and it isn’t just for the press, at least for the little I was able to witness.

Nah, why not inidan and open leagues? Why do we give privilege to the XX tribe? I want to see women get absolutely BTFO on a completely fair field. They wanted equality, we should give it to them good and hard.

Sir, This is a Wendy's

wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mommmmy people are saying mean things on the internet again

Are you LARPing as a drama redditor now?

Because that's how all of you sound when you encounter facts that rustles your feelings and shake your subjective definition of reality.

So, why don't we just go all the way and separate white runners from black runners

I think the point is that the darkies aren't taking exogenous chems. If we let T people in don't we also have to allow juicing in general?

you are very learned in tr00n science

pls explain

This t-slur chromosome bullshit needs to stop. You can basically define a man (and a women as anyone who is not a man) as someone who has an active SRY gene (usually on the Y-chromosome and the thing responsible for the development of the penis), so the XY Karyotype medallists are women while the thing wearing a princess dress in your bathroom is not. There are so few exceptions to this we can basically just assign them to whatever and no one will ever care since you would never even meet them.

I know facts are harder to understand than uninformed feelings.

You've probably met a woman with XY chromosomes without even knowing it, since you know, we usually don't ask people to take a genetics test before we address them as male or female.

Since you seem confused about what "male" and "female" actually is, do you understand the difference between social gender, psychological gender and biological sex in relation to what makes up a persons identity and social presentation?


How bad is your reading comprehension? I literally said that the XY karyotype medallists were women. If the SRY gene (which is usually found on the Y chromosome, sometimes it is on the X chromosome, that is called XX male syndrome) is defective or not present than the person is a women, regardless of their chromosomes. Chromosomes does not determine gender, the SRY gene does since it codes for development of the penis.

Here is an example if a women with Swyer syndrome, where the SRY gene is defective: . She is absolutely a women (although Swyer makes you infertile) and nobody would disagree. However your average t-slur is too r-slurred to understand that they still have the fully functional SRY gene and no amount of dress up or butchery in their nether regions will change that.

So if you don't want to go with the usual right wing conservative r-slur rhetoric of binding biological sex to chromosomes.

And we still address women with Swyer Syndrome as women, and men with Kleinefelter syndrome as men. What makes you unable to label t-women as women?

We could try this angle, do you consider neurology to be a viable biological marker of gender identity?

I don't care about neurology or chromosomes. I care about the SRY gene, and only the SRY gene. If it is present and non-defective : Male, else : Female. This misgenders < 1 in half a million people, which is small enough that the average person will never interact with one of them (since on average we interact with about 80000 people in our lifetimes). Even then you can add consideration of the SOX9 gene or the DAX1 gene to get rid of the vast vast majority of these outliers.

But we are still on the problem of boiling down a human identity to a fucking gene.

You said yourself that women with Swyer syndrome are women, despite having the SRY gene.

Either you are inconsistent through the futile effort of trying to make a binary out of a non-binary system, or you don't even understand your own belief system. Because that's what this is, your belief, your feelings.

Plus we are still stuck on the biological, a human identity isn't built around a fucking SRY gene lol. I know it might seem really radical for a reddit wannabe STEM-lord, but a human mind, our socialisation and biology is more complex than that.

If this genuinely interests you, you should study it. But that would open up the door to realising you're wrong and that your classifications don't apply in the real world.

Swyer women do not have the SRY gene, that is why they are women. Swyer is a condition where the SRY gene was misplaced off of the Y chromosome during the meiosis which produced the fertilising sperm.

Because the SRY gene is on the Y chromosome, Swyer syndrome caused by SRY gene mutations is described as having a Y-linked inheritance pattern

Imagine splitting such tiny hairs in order to desperately invalidate t-women.

But we are still stuck on genetics. What makes up a persons identity isn't related to which fucking genes you carry, not what your genitals look like.
What makes up your identity is your brain, a biological organ.

T-identities has a neurological basis.

Menstruating? Excuse me didn’t you hear the prayer it’s Womenstruating now you bigot.

Men can menstrate too you nazi incel.

Christ I wish.

We men are more adventurous and sometimes eat very spicy food just to prove that we can. It's very spicy on the way out too, and kinda liquid and unstable and unpredictable and uncertain, and I've heard it described as being not unlike womenstruation.

Haha u made a nazi incel joke becuz if u don't beliv that men can menstruate then u are a nazis accor ding to left wing SJW extremists xDxd XD

Haha i don't understand how gender works either xD
U r epic based and memepilled!!

I liked where you were going with this and tryhard ironic bluecheck parodies basically aren't people but lord dial it down a notch.



Bro, do you know the difference between social gender, psychological gender and biological sex?

Because you wouldn't have made such a stupid comment if you did.

Well maybe mansplain to me, you are a biological man right?

No idea, i haven't had a reason to take a genetics test to check my chromosomes. I know what i identify as without knowing my chromosomal makeup.

Or wait.... Are you asking my what my genitals look like?

I would love to explain the difference between sex and gender, but why don't we first check how dedicated you are to actually learning something. Have a go at explaining the difference first and then i can correct you, if needed.

Maybe I was wrong, based on your comments it does appear that a dude can menstruate.

People who produce sperm can not also be in the group of people who menstruate.

A wrecked bussy bleeds the same asba menstruating pussy.

post bussy

Gender isn’t real.

Woman: an adult human female.

Man: an adult human male.

So psychological self-identification and gendered social norms don't exist according to you?

Tell me, if a woman grew up in a cave with no contact to the outside world, and you threw her a razor. Would this adult human female start instinctively shaving her legs?

If our identity and social expressions is all rooted in biology, she would.

Shaving your legs doesn’t make you a woman, fool.

Nobody is saying it is.

I'll give you a hint: Is shaving your legs a social expression of femininity, that is, part of a gender role.

yes or no answers only.

Choosing to take on stereotypically feminine gender roles or having a feminine appearance doesn’t make someone a woman. Or are women who don’t shave their legs not women?

It sure doesn't. That's why you can't boil down a human identity to a few specific markers. A humans sexual identity and gender identity isn't black and white.

With your example, a person who identifies as male, but has a female social presentation and somewhat female outward appearance (without female secondary sex characteristics) would probably be a fucking femboi or a twink. Who knows?

With the razor i am trying to get you to understand that social gender (gender roles, i am sure you are familiar with it) exists. A simple example would be men generally grooming their beard and women generally shaving their legs. That is an expression of a gender role, does it automatically make anyone who shaves their legs a woman? No ofc it doesn't, but if you're seriously asking that question you're being fucking obtuse.

Do you acknowledge the existence of psychological gender, that is, a humans ability of self-identification? For example, you most likely identify as a shitlord gamer. Are you valid as a shitlord gamer? Doubt it. But i will treat you like one. Just like how you should treat t-women as what they identify as without being a shitlord gamer.

This really isn't complicated, a 3rd grader could understand this shit. Have a look at this picture and i am sure even you, a fully grown adult, would understand.

do you acknowledge the existence of psychological gender

No. Otherwise I would also have to accept therians and otherkin, which is quite clearly insane. You don’t know what it “feels” like to be a wolf, just like you don’t know what it “feels” like to be a man or woman.

Ok, now think about this one step further, does the identity of "therians" and "otherkin" have a neurological basis? Because t-identities do.

Here is a list of around 96 studies on the subject. PRE-HRT t-people brains show structural similarities to the brains of the desired gender.

That's the difference between "otherkins" and t-people that renders your strawman completely fucking moot.

I don’t think you know what a straw man is.

It also seems pretty problematic to suggest women have different brains. Maybe that’s why they’re less intelligent.

So instead of going off on an uninformed brainlet tangent, why don't you acknowledge and respond to the factual information i showed you? Is it because that would mean you lend credence to the validity of t-people?


Btw are you actually suggesting male and female brains are identical? LOL, you sound like a SJW. Throwing facts and logic out the door, only feelings from now on?



Speaking of people with a lower intelligence. Have a look at this study, it might be relevant for you:


Despite their important implications for interpersonal behaviors and relations, cognitive abilities have been largely ignored as explanations of prejudice. We proposed and tested mediation models in which lower cognitive ability predicts greater prejudice, an effect mediated through the endorsement of right-wing ideologies (social conservatism, right-wing authoritarianism) and low levels of contact with out-groups. In an analysis of two large-scale, nationally representative United Kingdom data sets (N = 15,874), we found that lower general intelligence (g) in childhood predicts greater racism in adulthood, and this effect was largely mediated via conservative ideology. A secondary analysis of a U.S. data set confirmed a predictive effect of poor abstract-reasoning skills on antihomosexual prejudice, a relation partially mediated by both authoritarianism and low levels of intergroup contact. All analyses controlled for education and socioeconomic status. Our results suggest that cognitive abilities play a critical, albeit underappreciated, role in prejudice. Consequently, we recommend a heightened focus on cognitive ability in research on prejudice and a better integration of cognitive ability into prejudice models.

only feelings from now on

That’s exactly what you’ve been advocating. They “feel” like women and we must believe them.

You're forgetting about the 96+ studies that i linked you.

I guess you didn't read any of them since knowledge that you're wrong would be detrimental to your fragile ego.

Get back to me when you have facts to back up your claims.

Btw what did you think about the study showing that people of your kind have a lower than average IQ? Surprising isn't it?


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"so you've just given a marginalized group several exhausting days of defending their existence to bigots for what? what is the value of this?"

Tough luck tussy, no sports competition means no right to exist. Shoulda thought ahead

they need their own league

"Separate but equal is not the answer, it never is"

No rest no peace, til the uterus holders are subjugated ✊✊

"If scientists had to actually study this I’m not sure they are smart enough to call themselves scientists"

In fact, it is obese black women on twitter that decide whom to grant the honorable diploma of "scientist" to

"There is no “suggests” about it. This was known, is known and will be forevermore known to those living in “reality”."

Lmao @ these lowiq "scientists" using their "vernacular" to prove my point

"Separate but equal is not the answer, it never is"

Alright, no women's sports leagues whatsoever. It's all gender-blind now. No problemo.

Transwomen clearly do not dominate to the degree that men do, however they are also clearly disproportionately successful to their numbers in the general population.

And 👏 That's 👏 A 👏 Good 👏 Thing 👏

I like tslurs for proving men bodies always beat women's no matter the field.




How are they disproportionately successful to their numbers in the general population?

Honestly they're such a small number of people they become immediately over represented in most datasets you find them in.


Damn, too bad OP intentionally left this out.

“For the Olympic level, the elite level, I'd say probably two years is more realistic than one year,” said the study's lead author, Dr. Timothy Roberts

Why should there be any time required on hormone therapy?

He's not sure, it's doesn't sound like findings, does it?

thank you for sperging all over this thread

life's been hard here without pinging but you're really doing your part