Congress is on Lock Down as Red Hatters LARP as BLM.

6  2021-01-06 by WarSanchez



Imagine not storming the capitol because of economic collapse and corporate control of the government, but because your candidate did not win an election.

Leftoids mad they aren’t the ones storming the capitol lol

I honestly can't believe the right turned out to be way better at this shit. They took the Capitol building on day one!

I'm just curious if they have the juice to keep it going. From their rightoid perspective, if elections are fake then violence is the only option.

The thing is in US and many Western countries, the non-mainstream right-wing is way more anti-establishment than the left. The modern left are mostly just parroting what academia is saying and is extremely middle class.

There are way less police there today than the days of lefty protests.

The Capitol building while the senate is in session is FAR more heavily guarded than a Wendy's.

I didn't read your article but based on the headline I support beating up Australian media and don't know what it has to do with anything.

This protest also wasn't at the White House.

Just admit you didn't read the article because you can't understand the accent.

You win 😂

It's like antifa but with fatter older men.

Older, yes. Fatter, ehhhhhhh...

antifa is like 100 lb skinny kids.

The men are toothpicks, but the women are whales. Proving that no matter how many members of a group call themselves "trαns" or "nonbinαry", the gender dichotomy wins out in the end.

We need to put them on opposing ends of a big scale and see which is heftier, that group is more American.

Communism = no food. This is known.

oooh fat lesbians or is that a dude? lmao I can't tell.

The face of modern feminism.


It's hilarious that reddit/twitter suddenly flip sides on everything, because all the political users are too retarded to just be like "Yeah dude, riots are bad and we should stomp people out when they riot"

The cycle repeats, imagine unironcally being a neo liberal, neo conservative 🤢

Both sides are literally exactly the same in every possible way.

The ones that excuse riots sometimes and castigate them other times sure are. Luckily, most normal people don't do that.

Redditors and twittert*rds, though...

Leftards just screamed “Fascist coup” at the whole thing lol.

This is unlike anything that has happened in this country.

Trying to compare run of the mill racial riots which have happened in America since the very start to a mob storming the government and trying to carry out a literal coup is both siderism taken to the most absurd extent I have ever seen.

Take it to SRD

You're right, this was much cooler TBH. Taking the capital is a Chad move. Bernie should have thought of this.


Why are the cops not opening fire?

Team Fire is OFF.


Because the cops are in bed with right-wing extremists and treat them with kid gloves.

If BLM pulled this they'd all be dead at this point.

This really doesn't benefit the rightwingers. If anything, it makes them seem like dangerous lunatics who need to be violently repressed.

It doesn't have to benefit them, they're unhinged and delusional.

That doesn't make it anything other than a coup attempt.

Don't downvote the lolcows.

"let me tell you why this armed mob storming the US government to prevent vote certification after being incited by the out-going president totally isn't a coup attempt."

It technically is you just sound like an f slur for calling it that

That does benefit them. In the same way the BLM riots this year got them concessions from local leaders.

America has moved on to the open political violence stage.


Maybe it will be fun? It'll definitely be dramatic!

Thank god I don't live anywhere near all this bullshit.

Lmao right? Fuck living downtown.

I'm hoping this year hits cities as hard or harder than last year. I want those urban real estate prices low so I can get cheap office space in a skyscraper.

> seem like

You're unhinged ranting would be more at home in the r news thread

Yeah I'm sure if black armed people tried to storm the US government to over-turn an election they lost it'd all be peachy and the cops would be taking selfies with them.

There have been multiple groups of armed blackinoids marching through suburban neighbourhoods and assembling outside government buildings this year lol. Granted they didn't try to storm the buildings: that was the mob without guns who proceeded to start fires.

Again, trying to compare run of the mill US racial riots to an outright armed assault on the heart of the US government to prevent vote certification is unhinged both siderism taken to the most absurd and extreme extent possible.

You're really invested in making a bunch of retarded larpers sound like a rogue military group

Yeah, just larpers dude. Stormed the state capitol building, shots fired IEDs being found.

Just a joke bro, no big deal.


Lmao your source for this is some random commie on Twitter isn't it. Maybe they posted a blurry screencap from a stream and said some guys shoe looks like a bomb

you are out of your fucking mind.

The headquarters are just a few blocks from the US Capitol. The evacuation happened roughly an hour ago, Ahrens said.

An RNC official told CNN that a pipe bomb was found on the ground outside, along the wall of the headquarters. The device was safely detonated by the police, the RNC official said.

Lol I'm out of my mind because I don't believe everything some hysterical retard tells me ok.

Also I guarantee that's bullshit but that fact will only be quietly mentioned a few days from now.

They just found a pipe bomb on the ground with no one around? Yeah ok lol

The fucking police blew up a pipe bomb you fucking nitwit. Stop trying to downplay what is taking place.

*sigh* 😑

Deep breaths Snally, deep (state) breaths.

Alexa, play Rubber Bullets.

At any point today did you watch CNN while drinking red wine? Please, I have to know.

I watched CBS while drinking ovaltine

How are you not loving this drama?

Twitter has locked Trump's account. lol

Not as much political violence as I hoped for =/ pussy cops wouldn't fire away

Do you want to know what the most ironic thing about this protest is? The Blue lives matter crowd attacking cops on capital hill.
