.win site's host threatening to shut down site

7  2021-01-07 by Lysis10

Mods just made a post that they have 21 hours left. Now they are saying they never called for violence. lol


It's really weird how cucked these people are. For months they call for violence, executions, seizing power and then when it starts they just backpedal and pretend they never did any of it.

How can Trumpers not see the grifting taking place here?

There's in-fighting now saying they did it for nothing lol

Worse, they did it for a reality tv star.


imagine being shot and dying over meme politics

That's basically what happened to every US soldier that has fought and died.

It was all AN-TEE-FA agents planted to smear the good names of Donald j trump and his patriotic supporters

It is hysterical that this is the narrative half of these retards are going to go with. My radical centrist take is that they are right and so are the lefties that claimed secret Trump supporters instigated all the BLM violence, organic protests never happen and every act of political violence in history has been started by double agent instigators from the opposite political side.

Jannies. Not even once.

they're good ole boys, they dindu no coup

all that reeee

Lmao, no wonder they have this on their sidebar.

when you’re taking politics very seriously and maturely

You say that like this isn't exactly how every politics obssessed retard acts


good lord lmao

wow, they're finishing up their "watch my life savings wither away paying server costs so rightoids can say the gamer word" speedrun much more quickly than the voat dude

All you need to do is sell limited-use n-word passes. Start small and ramp the price up as you develop more forum addicts. Eventually you will be able to charge the boomers $5 a pop to n-slur on your DD(R) board.

Not a bad sell

That site is about to get a ton more traffic if the news media finds out that the protestors used this site to conspire or whatever protestors do

I'm surprised they haven't mentioned it yet. Like for real they have been talking insurrection, storming the capitol, guns, "it's time for violence," etc for weeks. They were even talking about what hotels were good to stay at.

They already have a lot more traffic because it fails here and there and they added a captcha.

And you didn't tell us so we could go check it out? 😡

Wouldn't be surprised if it's been thoroughly prepped by glowies already. In fact this recent event smells very glowy.

> Everything that makes my team look bad is a false flag.

Ain't a false flag, just saying that rightoids are extremely gullible and they're well-armed enough to attract tons of (deserved) glowie attention.

I knew shit was up when my wife asked me if I knew what "dot win" was

So they'll go to /pol/ and become antisemitic.

Can we not even link that place?!