I’ve lived with my ex for over a year i’m already resigned to being the hermit crab equivalent of a man. I have nothing to lose cept this bitch i already hate which makes me incredibly dangerous 🦇
Well now we get to see what kinda demands bernie can throw around given the Senate is exactly 50 50 sp they absolutely need his vote for the next two years.
12 TruthPains 2021-01-07
Jeb or bust.
11 SnapshillBot 2021-01-07
I’ve lived with my ex for over a year i’m already resigned to being the hermit crab equivalent of a man. I have nothing to lose cept this bitch i already hate which makes me incredibly dangerous 🦇
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
7 -M-o-X- 2021-01-07
Well now we get to see what kinda demands bernie can throw around given the Senate is exactly 50 50 sp they absolutely need his vote for the next two years.
6 UnheardIdentity 2021-01-07
They also have to balance moderate dems and dems in red constituencies too though. They won't be too happy with too much craziness.
2 tHeSiD 2021-01-07
Maybe but vote blue NO matter who