Elizabeth would like to speak to the manager of this insurrection

1  2021-01-07 by JimieWhales


"We're storming the capitol for the revolution but I didn't think they'd actually do anything to stop me :("

I literally laughed out loud in the end. Smdh can't throw off the yoke of oppression in peace these days.

edit: btw look at her boyfriend's face after she says the bit, it's perfect.

Peak rightoid mayo foid entitlement.

She seems to be confused about what would have happened. She is lucky that she is not black.

She's lucky for a lot of reasons.

Being a she comes to mind too.

They shot a black woman who had a child in the back seat. Black woman had hit the barricades while trying to make a U-turn.

That's very sad.

Really? How many black women were shot by police at the protests this summer?

How many were breaking into Capitol while Congress was in session?

Yeah I find it interesting so many rightoids are trying to compare this to run of the mill race riots.

Trying to take the capitol while congress is in session is just astronomically more extreme than anything that happened during those race riots.

I'm amazed more people weren't shot. The fucking VP was in there.

Because nuance is lost to most people nowadays.

what abooouuuuuuut if she was blaaaaaaack!!!!!

I know all mayo foids look the same, but this one was maced, not shot.

I tried carrying out a revolution once, and mom said "fine, but do it from your bedroom".

None of them has the revolution in their heart. They should have wore that bruise like a badge of honor, instead of crying about it.

Just like Hannity backing out like a bitch when he promised he would get waterboarded, unlike Chad Hitchens who went through it and then changed his mind about water boarding.

The tears were probably from the mace

Burgoid peak copium

We have reached peak Karen.


Elizabeth needs to stop carrying onions around.

i got an ace you got me my face

Big G needs to work on adding a 'domestic unrest' vocab pack to their caption generator.