4  2021-01-07 by Rentokill_boy


Gamergate is the single-celled journalism brain from which all journalist brains derive from.

I swear it's like the big bang for some people, it created their entire universe

On both sides too 😏🤭

It's the Iliad of Game Journo canon except Helen of Troy is just some frumpy uggo and nobody remembers why they're fighting anymore.

We should all fall on our swords.

Imagine still talking about Gamergate in 2021.

vox: bait

you: no one could possibly fall for something that stupid

Have you not learned

It's becoming clearer and clearer that talking about gamergate is going to outlast this meme and it's fucking hilarious.

I know knot what weapons WWW3 will be fought with, but I know it will be fought over Ethics in Gamer journalism

oh it's almost definitely gonna be fought with robots dude


While its completely retarded to say that goomergate was where the rightoid downward spiral began I can say with confidence that goomergate was when rightoid grifters started to take off.

It's actually pretty shocking how Milo and Cernovich were able to use gamergate to jumpstart whole grifting careers. Milo fucked it up, but he had it made for a bit.

Rightoid grifters

Excuse me sir but:

Both sides.

anything that aids in my crusade to get videogames banned I guess

arr stopGaming

Caring about games media at all is a brain parasite. Game journalism started as literally shill magazines and then stopped existing entirely after a really weird brief outrage phase. At no point in time did anyone but boomers unironically read game magazines.

Lol. I bet SRD is jerking off super hard right now.

They're too busy defaming a great man who was censored.

Jews did this



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Don't deny it.


Ugh this is the danny devito eats arnold in utero timeline.

This is what happens when you target gamers

Healthcare pls

The most well planned out political enemy of the united states, gamers.

Don't worry, Sleepy Joe has promised to ban Atari in his first 100 days. The g*mer menace will soon be behind us.

Gamergate? Has Zoe Quinn made a video game, yet?

Have gangbang videogames come far enough since gamergate for there to be a joke in there somewhere?

No they just keep calling Zoe Quinn a video game developer but I haven't seen any. She put her name on some game some guy wrote.

G*myers: is there anything they can't do?

Journalism isn't dying : it's committing suicide.

Gamer gate is an unavoidable toxin, it is in all of our bloods, much left Teflon or hgh, we cannot simply wash ourselves clean of the very serious and severe consequences of weebs demanding big tots in video games, rather we must learn to live with it, much like one lives with diabetes or ibs; it affects out every minute of every day, all we can do it take what we’re dealt and try to make sense of the rubble it has rendered the society around us. We all knew this is where the slippery slope would lead us, we had just hoped and prayed it wouldn’t be as utterly destructive as it has been. May allah cleanse our souls at the gates of jannah, barak allah fik my brothers 🙏

Kinda surprised anita hasn't thrown in with her own nuclear hot take yet. Maybe she just takes turns with zoe here in order for both of them to stay relevant forever.

Let's just ban video games. They've been a disaster for the human species