DDR caves to Dutch pressure and concedes the election

1  2021-01-08 by VanOldenbarnevelt


Remember when the Dutch killed and ate a king prime minister in the streets and it wasn't as long ago as you'd think.

lol wut

Johan de Witt 😲

Huh 🤔

Wouldn't you?

Read this to yourself, out loud, and realize what a fucking f-slur you are. Talk like a god damn person and stop spilling out this perpetual fucking nonsense.

Do you know how much I hate this fucking board? How fucking awful it is? How awful the quality of poster that it brings up? What the fuck is wrong with you people. The SRD board, specifically created to be a fucking zoo for the worst posters on Reddit, has straightened out to a pretty nice place with a lolcow who consistently puts out videos that make you go "wtf?" in a not-too-serious, not-too-emotionally-involved way. As a result, the fucking SRD board is now more popular than the Drama board.


  1. DDR caves to Dutch pressure and con... - archive.org, archive.today*

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