App store tells Parler to straighten out in the next 24 hours or be delisted. D*ddy running out of places to hide.

4  2021-01-08 by WarBoyPrimo


Rightoids will essentially be banned to android phones.

Google just took it down from their store Lmao

Can’t you side load it or whatever you hackers do with your phones?

The amount of overlap between "people who know how to sideload" and "parler boomers" is about zero

I bet your mom knows a lot about side loads


Idk, I'm not a poordroid owner

Me either.

I honestly did not know anyone other than girls and boomers owned Apples.

Most college educated adults use iPhones because they can afford them unlike blue collar lower class people.

I make well into the six figures and never thought about an Apple because, again, I'm not a boomer.

Yes. It's really easy.


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don't worry buddy, the link is all kosher :)

Android will do the same thing, Google hated rightoids long before this.

Hopefully, it'll radicalize them further. /pol/ is always open.

without phoneposters, Parler will be the greatest social network ever created

You couldn't live without us phonechads.

lmao he only gets 24 hours on parler. He must be ranting around the WH like a drunken sailor.

rightoid genocide

B**mers btfo