Stupidpol is big mad that the supreme leader is dethroned from his Twitter empire

4  2021-01-09 by TanksAreLit

Do not go to that subreddit, open the top link about orange man being evicted from Twitter, and the read the everlasting anger.


The man with the nuclear codes isn’t allowed to tweet.

He has a point. The federal government can use basic television and radio signals to send out a message to the American public and the world. But if they want to spread the message over the internet they have to sign a user agreement with private corporations in order to send their message

If Jack Dorsey woke up tomorrow and decided that he no longer wanted to allow U. S. politicians on his social media site then he could have all their accounts removed without facing any legal recourse. He can literally cut off the President of the United States from his own country. That’s power.

He can't though because there are still multiple emergency messaging channels, mass texts, and the US government can force their way onto TV if they want.

My fellow Americans I wanted to come to you live across this emergency broadcast to tell you this:

"I will not be going to the inauguration, Biden lost I won and I'm pretty upset about it. And I would sure 😉hate it if someone rioted😉."

For fuck's sake, the white house has a press office.

But their message is told through the media instead of directly from them. If the media never shows up to their daily briefings then the message wouldn’t be given to us through the news.

They'll show up.

For fuck's sake, not that long ago, none of these retards had a twitter account at all - and shit was better off for it.

Oh yeah. Good point. Then my argument is why do we depend on how a social media company can dictate how long until they ban a president for saying something they don’t agree with or not with huh?

We don't. I don't even have a twitter account - and the Potus has his own website.

Trump was already on it 24/7 so he just kept doing what he was doing. He made it the new normal while Twitter was just being Twitter.

He is (or better, was) the anomaly. He gave that power to social media, not the other way around.

Don't get too butthurt, the White House Twitter account and the official POTUS account are still around. Only Donald Trump's personal account got banned. He never had any super important message to say on there.

Yeah but that’s with permission from a private corporation.

Not really, they just made the account. It's not like someone get permission from Reddit every time they make a new account after their old one gets banned.

And I imagine if Twitter was to ban all US government accounts, the US would just ban Twitter

I’m talking about the user agreement you sign to use a social media platform aka permission to use it.

Wow they really outdid themselves today.

  • Nancy Pelosi is carrying out a coup.

  • Trump being banned from twitter is an attack on society.

Yesterday I called some mongo there retarded because he unironically believed the MAGAtards at the Capitol were treated more harshly by the police any other protest movement in US history lmao

There's a very large amount of revisionism taking place in these subs.

They're trying to compare past mundane protests at the capitol to a literal riot that breached the doors, set up gallows, and were chanting to hang Nancy Pelosi and Mike Pence.

The fact only one of them was shot is staggering.

Leftoids never shut up about guillotines and when Puerto Ricans actually set one up outside the governor's house everyone was yas queening it. Any leftoid who defended all the other riots doesn't have a leg to stand on because everything the rightoids did has been done before.

"B-but those things never specifically happened at the capital before!" Lmao shut the fuck up the people clutching their pearls talk about overthrowing the government every day. And not even for any real reason just "we could totally run things better" at least the DDF legitimately thinks the election was rigged.

You can call them retarded for thinking the election is rigged but if you try to attack them for anything else then you're just a hypocrite lol

I'm completely baffled as to how you people think run of the mill American race riots are the same thing as storming the capitol while congress is in session to overturn an election.

It really seems to be that you guys just have no understanding of the severity of what these people did.

I fully understand that modern American conservatism can not exist without absurd both siderism, but even by those standards this is just way out there.

You're on a fucking drama subreddit but you want to take a bunch of retarded larpers seriously

People that build gallows and storm the capitol building chanting "hang nancy Pelosi" aren't larping.

They had guns didn't they? Even if they didn't, they still gave up awfully quick once the national guard showed up. If they were serious then they would have put up more of a fight.

They gave up because reality set in and they realized daddy had abandoned them lmao.

Like I really don't know how you can pretend this was not a serious event. These people had been planning this on parler for over a month.

They fully intended to harm US elected officials, it just didn't work.

And tons of leftoids rioters wanted to kill cops but they didn't get very good results did they. That's why they're larpers - they think they're going to start a revolution but really they're going to pussy out as soon as the tear gas comes out.

Again, trying to compare run of the mill American race riots to a mob storming the capitol building while congress is in session is just not coherent.

Nobody sane is going to view these as the same things man. Of all the stupid both siderisms I've seen, this one is by far the worst.

The hysterics about the terrorist insurrectionist coup at their core are the same as the hysterics that got the retards rioting in the first place. A lot of people foaming at the mouth and getting convinced that the thing they are foaming at the mouth is definitely real because look how many of us are so mad!

You do it explicitly here by saying that nobody bats an eye at race riot but "everybody sane" is super outraged at the coo. It's the same argument rightoids make when they claim that election irregularities must be investigated because look at how many people believe that elections were stolen and must be investigated. Rslurs mad about things only demonstrates how rslurred they are.

If you look at this shit a bit more objectively it's just silly. Yeah, you're absolutely right that a whole lot of people don't look at it in terms of how "mostly peaceful" the protest was or how much damage it inflicted. Yes, they are merely regretful at the CHAZ actually seceding from the United States and then their security force murdering two joyriding black teenagers, but absolutely lose their minds at the bunch of hillbillies bashing one cop's head in. That's because all those people including yourself are very very rslurred, not because the reality is wrong.

"sitting president that loses election directs his supporters to march on the capitol and fight, let me tell you how this isn't a coup."

Look, I get a lot of people that make their living off of normalcy bias are desperately trying to spin what happened here, but if this were any other country it'd be called a coup attempt.

The loser of an election incited a riot while congress was in session certifying our election. They set up gallows outside, they had zipties. People were chanting about hanging Nancy Pelosi and Mike Pence.

Even GOP leadership has turned on Trump now. At some point people that thrive on both siderism and false equivalency are going to have to accept reality.

"I'll pretend that Doomb was serious and not showboating as usual and totally panicked 1 2 once the cops inexplicably let his dumb supporters in".

Do you have any tweets that actually "direct his supporters to march on the capitol and fight" btw, I couldn't find any.

On a related note, did you make fun of Doomb hiding in a bunker or were you shook at an attack on the sitting President?

The guy gave a fucking speech outside of the WH the day of the riot and literally directed them to go to the capitol and fight:

Trump roused his supporters “to fight” and to “take back our country” as he promised to join them.

“After this, we’re going to walk down, and I’ll be there with you,” he told them.

“We're going to walk down to the Capitol.

“You’ll never take back our country with weakness, you have to show strength, and you have to be strong.”

Rudy, during this same rally, called for trial by combat:

“We're going to walk down to the Capitol.

And then?

Rudy, during this same rally, called for trial by combat

"Over the next 10 days, we get to see the machines that are crooked, the ballots that are fraudulent. And if we're wrong, we will be made fools of. But if we're right, and lot of them will go to jail. So let's have trial by combat! I'm willing to stake my reputation, the President is willing to stake his reputation on the fact that we'll find criminality there" - yeah, sounds like he's calling for a real trial by combat here, with reputation staked on an investigation discovering election fraud invading the Capitol and beating Mike Pence in a fist fight.

Look, you could've made a reasonable point that what Trump and his sycophants had been doing was very irresponsible. You don't tell people that the election was stolen and to "fight" and expect that there wouldn't be a bunch of idiots who would take it seriously and actually go fight the police.

But if you pretend to be retarded by taking the "trial by combat" shit seriously, as inciting a coup (but then mysteriously not taking any advantage of it and shitting their pants), then what response do you expect other than "fuck off, retard?"

I can't do this anymore man, I can't. You have direct quotes from Donald Trump directing his mob towards the capitol and telling them to fight and are trying to claim Trump is not to blame for this.

Like this is just wild, I refuse to believe you don't know what happened here. This is partisan motivated reason taken to the absolute extremes.

You act like Trump didn't know this would happen, he was delighted that it was happening, Republican senators have already said WH aides told them as much. he knew exactly what he was doing.

Then why he panicked and repeatedly told them to go home peacefully? What was his endgame and what happened to disrupt it?

Lester, even you aren't dumb enough to think he told them to go home.

He dropped a video in which he claimed his landslide election was stolen from him like 10 fucking times, while telling his supporters they were special, then maybe 1-2 times said go home.

I was on parler during this, I was on various "patriot" forums during this.


Even r con said that video was clearly not a real attempt to call them off.

As I said, Republican senators are already saying white house aides said Trump was delighted.

Of course he kept insisting that the election was stolen because he's a retard. He also told them to go home without mentioning that 1 2.

The question is why did he tell them to go home at all? That's super unhitlerlike behavior.

You know the words of a president matter Lester. You can't rile people up like that and then just keep doing it and then say "see, I made a half-assed effort to call them off" after they already failed.

Trump was completely delighted over this:

The man incited a riot. The only people trying to deny it are the Trump faithful.

You know the words of a president matter Lester. You can't rile people up like that and then just keep doing it and then say "see, I made a half-assed effort to call them off" after they already failed.

You're in a witch-burning mind here. You pile up charges. I'm not saying that "a half-assed effort to call them off" is an excuse, I'm saying that it's evidence that pmurT had zero intention to cause a coup.

So he was upset at how trashy the protesters were and that's evidence that he was delighted, wait what?

And AGAIN that's very unhitlerlike of him. Even if he were delighted about the protesters getting into the Capitol, you have to explain what prevented the coup. Why he tweeted for them to go home instead of encouraging them further.

They're either larping as dumb or have brain damage best not waste your time with the bottom scrapings of drama

Oh Lice how deep you have fallen.


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They have to try and retain the moral high ground they so stupidly threw away. "But but but black people burned down a police station and shit after decades of police oppression. That's totally equivalent to a violent coup targeting congress because my fee fees were hurt from losing an election 😭😭😭"

Face it rightoids, those capital hill tards fucked things up for you big time.

“Police oppression” lol is that prosecuting murders? I turned on NPR during the gf riots and they were literally broadcasting protesters singing negro spirituals , meanwhile there were record murder weekends in Chicago and thousands of buildings were being burned to the ground around the country.

The leftoid “b-b-but it’s ok when we do it” is pure hypocrisy and everyone knows it

You can try to spin this all you want but frankly your opinion means jack and shit and Jack left town. All the normies see a failed insurrection over a election loss versus a reaction to police brutality, however misguided.

Yell hypocrisy all you want because no one cares. At the end of the day, the rightoids tried the most hilariously rslurred coup in history and failed. That's Daddy's legacy now. Sucks for you lol.

jack shit and jack left town


Lol reddit comment. Dilate hypocrite

Dude I get it, you have to pretend they're the same. Imagine downvoting in drama smh

On a related note, you ever have someone ruin an orgasm for you? Maybe they're giving you a handjob and they've been going for like an hour getting you closer to closer to orgasm? Then they get you to cum, only to stop and start flicking your dick instead, so that the orgasm sputters and fails? Felt it dripping down your twitching little cock like a pathetic reminder of what a cuck you are? Sure you have. That's what Daddy did to his supporters on Wednesday.

Where you born this astonishingly retarded or did your mom drop you on your head?


So basically those protestors were more retarded than BLM is what you’re saying

They were talking selfies with the police inside the Capitol building lol

They also shot a women in the neck retard

Secret Service did their job lol

That’s not taking a selfie tho is it

Imagine not listening to the Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young classic Ohio.

I don't understand that sub. They're either raging dotards or bernouts but I can't tell which.

For people that pretend to hate Twitter, they sure love Twitter.

Man I love how they went from "id pol is getting in the way of implementing solutions to the root problems that idpol is trying to solve" to "the democrats are the real racists and Trump being banned from twitter is literally facism"

Turns out that people who are focused on getting socialism for straight white men and don't want the gays blacks or women slowing it down care more about the straight white men part.

Cry harder bitch

I love that someone thought that this response made them sound tough

😤😤😤 Naz🅱ol Gang 😤😤😤

What are they upset about? If they want the government in charge of corperations they should support commies 🤗

I love how they don't even bother to pretend being a rightoid psy-op anymore