Why are lefties fighting a new culture war campaign against MSG?

1  2021-01-09 by noPENGSinALASKA

I’ve seen it on Reddit, and social media. For whatever reason they’re all saying the “misinformation about using MSG for flavor is a racist misinformation campaign by white supremacists”

I mean lol BOTTOM TEXT.


Reddit has particular borderline copypasta tidbits of information it repeats like a goddamn parrot. MSG is one. The threads are very predictable. I'm guilty of it too. If that McDonalds Coffee story comes up I'll start off impulsively about how the average person is a fucking retard google the case etc

Better yet google the pics of the burns.

That’s pretty much the basis of default subs. Double points if the tidbit is sophomoric enough that you can remember something from a class or book that mostly disproves it.

This has been around for a long time tbh. There's always been fights over MSG and racist implications thrown around.


I’m glad you had an article from 2016 cause I was legit losing my mind. I was like how the fuck did this shit just suddenly blow up. Did some lefty on twatter or bread tube fucking bring this up. It’s such a weird niche issue that I’m seeing all over in random fucking places

The history dates back to probably the 1950s.

I wonder what happened before then that made them not trust a flavor created by a Japanese guy 🤔

Well it was primarily a victim of the "ewww chemicals" revolution carried out by suburban housewives.

With a bunch of confirmation bias sprinkled in.

I do think MSG would have been marginally more accepted if it was a product of the 50s "captains of science" thing in America. Maybe not entirely though.

captains of science

Is that something to do with Star Trek?




I don't think its racism as much as stupid Americans, but it's probably there a little.

MSG is such a glorious invention, it almost makes up for anime.