"Enough! There was riot, insurrection at storming"- the one in which a R*ghtoid and Her Majesty (?) get triggered at Church.

1  2021-01-11 by WarBoyPrimo


I think a lot of the zoomers are trying to make this their 9/11 because they don't have one.

9/11 is like WW2/the holocaust in that everyone makes comparisons to these events despite other historical events being more fitting for comparison.

Gotta talk it up to justify the wars

CNBC was talking about how Jan 6 is the equivalent to pearl harbor and 9/11 so how long do you think it’ll take for the smug posting about this to stop

This, assuming it isn't overshadowed in the interim, will be the centerpiece if the 2022 midterms.

I do hope they're holding back a little smug for then.

They have plenty to spare now that the cheeto can’t be owned


Lmaoooo they retracted that and replaced it with an "oopsie woopsie" post? It's the same r-slurred junk as the average Twitter rant.

It's even weirder since it's basically just a rehash of this article

Except as noted above, almost all the imagery was of a peaceful, joyful protest.

I am confused here, were they celebrating DDD's win or they were protesting it. I mean if they were protesting how were they joyous. If a perceived injustice makes you happy, I would like to know what have you been ingesting?