Retired geriatric loli enthusiast and early 2000s reddit bad boy banned from social media in the latest instance of rightoid neutering

1  2021-01-12 by 804-929-4988


Are we sure he is using the right password? Is he on the right website? Grandpa, is your computer on?

Moment I saw this post, I thought that too, did grandpa forget his password or something.



What makes you think the age has gotten older? It seems even dumber than 6 or 7 years ago. Less IT dorks, more high school and college dorks.


The age probably went from 25 to 16 you mean.


Well I've been here for ten years and I feel like it went from college aged dudes and junior devs talking about programming to high scoolers and freshmen sharing funny tiktok videos and twitter screenshots. Just look at the garbage on r-slash-all, don't tell me this is 27yo people posting and upvoting that.

To illustrate what I mean, here is a graph showing the growth of r-slash-teenagers. Don't tell me this site has grown older.

That sub is for pedos tho.

Are you r-slurred? That's what the growth rate of every subreddit looks like. The whole site is getting more users since 2018

No u

The teens are all on Instagram and TikTok

It’s middle age all the way down, we just have the mental maturity of 17 yo.

If that's the case it's even worse than I imagined.

We banned all the people from r-teens and a lot of 40 yo came out of the woodwork to complain.

Like, a lot.

50 pedos does not account for the 2 million subscribers.

Those were the ones that were NEET enough to notice and narcissistic enough to complain.

You do the math

I caucused for him. Twice. I believe in his consistency and view him as relatively incorruptible and principled. Even where we don't share beliefs I respect his stance.

Lmao, cauc


I'm glad you're still alive

I've always respected his consistency. don't agree with a lot of stuff he believes in but he gets a ton of credit for being consistent for like 30+ years, not unlike another octogenarian we know

Predictability makes for a good stock market πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ

you'd think as reddit got older it would get sensible but I guess that logic doesn't apply. I was an arr atheism stan once crunge

Many things Ron Paul stood for is popular still among pleebits. noninterventionist and ending US adventurism.

Don't kid yourself it's still the weed

dude weed lmao


*early 2010s, dumdum

That's relatively the early 2000s

I lost all respect for Ron when he didn't abort Rand

I'm past the point of partisan garbage and ive been exposing myself to many ideas and ive found generally both sides have a partial truth -----so there actually might be some weight to this george soros shit ----- my question is, is there anyone on earth that is talked about more than george soros that talks less than george soros does


  1. Retired geriatric loli enthusiast a... -,*

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