Fentanyl - posting is occurring at RedState, with one heckin mad r*ghtoid condemning the effeminate Chris Wallace for implying something bad happened while also threating to riot again if Puerto Rico becomes a state.

1  2021-01-12 by WarBoyPrimo


wouldn't adding puerto rico as a state be extremely difficult in today's political climate? I know the dems want those two new seats desperately, but iirc last time an actual vote on the matter took place in puerto rico they said no.

Actually no on both accounts. First, the GOP actually is of two minds on PR statehood since they are heavily Hispanic but also super catholic. In fact, they even discussed PR statehood in their 2020 platform (stating they should have the right to self-determination). DC statehood, on the other hand, they are super against.

As for their vote, the most recent referendum was yes by about 5%


Well DC is gonna be a super hurdle because anti DC statehood is baked right into the constitution. Good luck with a constitutional amendment.

I wasn't aware of the 2020 one, the 2017 one though an entire political party boycotted for reasons.

There are ways around that. For example:

Those opposed to making D.C. a state have argued that statehood for D.C. can’t happen without a constitutional amendment. They say the founders intended the entire District to serve as the seat of the federal government, not as a state. But legislation put forth by nonvoting Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D) every year since 1991 would not eliminate the “seat of government” that the Constitution calls for. Instead, H.R. 51 would shrink the national capital to a small complex of federal buildings, while allowing the rest of the District to become a state.

Proponents of statehood argue that this plan preserves the federal enclave — whose only requirement is that it can’t exceed 10 square miles — and escapes the need for a constitutional amendment.

If dems want to make it happen they can. There are deals to be made with moderate Republicans looking to distance themselves from the stench of Trumpism.

Good luck getting that questionable argument through congress, much less the supreme court.

I think it'd go through congress, and I no longer view the supreme court as legitimate anyway and hope that view becomes popular on the left.

Your opinion on the supreme court doesn't really matter, if they say DC doesn't become a state then it doesn't.

The supreme court has authority insofar as society is willing to accept it.

The rightoids already don't take it seriously, if the leftoids stop taking it seriously, what power do they actually have?

Who will be enforcing their rulings? The SC was on shaky ground after 2000 and the turtle packing it with hyper-partisan conservative activists was the final straw.

Their gerrymandering ruling was also even more reason why they should simply be laughed at and ignored by the actual levers of political power in this country.

The rightoids already don't take it seriously

You are confusing "taking it seriously" and "refusing to implement their decisions". You can claim all you want that rightoids don't take the supreme court seriously, but gays are still getting married in all 50 states and DACA renewal applications are still being processed.

Lol yeah. The Supreme Court is doing just fine. The bureaucrats and lower courts will follow the SCOTUS. They don't care what Twitter blue checks and People of Twitter Bans think about their legitimacy, especially since Trump's appointees haven't done anything particularly stupid.

Yeah man, all that fear mongering about trump appointees stealing the election for him was so fucking dumb it hurt.

The GOP has been engaging in open racial voter suppression/gerrymandering for 20 years now, in violation of the law.

The SC has helped them do it, and exposed themselves as mathematically illiterate and clueless as to how the real world actually works.

Rightoids ignore the law constantly and the SC does nothing about it, so why should leftoids give 2 fucks what the SC says?

The SC is 'meh" everyone goes along with the show for the most part, but if the SC continues to help conservatives maintain minority rule, it's only a matter of time before people wake up and straight-up tell them to fuck off.

Both sides engage in gerrymandering and voter suppression, if you disagree you're just fuckin dumb.

And if you think both sides engage in voter suppression or gerrymandering to anywhere near the same extent, or even in the same solar system, you're just poorly informed and clueless.

Both siderism is the bread and butter of the politically illiterate. There's a reason Democrats want gerrymandering illegal on a federal level and Republicans fight that.

You're right, democrats are significantly worse, having full control of the most powerful voter suppression systems available, social media, search engines and the tech monopolies in general.

There's a reason why the giants waited to seriously flex until dems controlled congress.

You have to be outright 40 IQ to actually think this.

Not only because conservatives dominate social media and the biggest political pundits on social media are conservative pseudo-intellectuals:


But because "social media" is not voter suppression.

There's a reason why the giants waited to seriously flex until dems controlled congress.

I'm sure it had nothing to do with the armed insurrection incited by the out-going president, the one openly planned on social media for over a month or anything.

Dc will become a state at some point. I'd say it's more likely than PR.

He wrote an article a few days later and it got retracted lol