D*ddy is now the first president to get double peaches

8  2021-01-13 by The_Dramanomicon


Passed in record time!

Once again our reps show us that they can take only a few hours to impeach a President, but drag their feet 9 months to help Americans with $600.


It kinda makes me moist how desperate these people are to distance themselves from Trump in record time.

lol funny cuz true. I really don't understand why anyone would tie their entire existence and identity on a politician. The only reason this happened fast was because it happened to them and now they can leverage this shit for their own careers. It's so weird to me that the extremists on both sides think these old white people gaf about anyone but themselves.

if you think extremist leftists like politicians then you are dumber than even the average drama poster, whats it with dumb burgers and acting like the left isn't inherently anti establishment especially when it comes to capitalism.

I imagine bernie simps qualify as extreme leftists to him

They do. They're just as bad. And the AOC ones too.

Spoooooooky healthcare! BOO!

As a centrist, I want a hybrid. Like the suave personality of Obama with the healthcare of Bernie with the hardass dgaf as Reagan and the economy of Clinton.

If we're designing a dream-politician, don't forget the fine kazakh milkers.

oh hell yeah. Gimme that hybrid and I will walk around with hats and all that bernie bro desperation and argue full time on internets like a trumper.

Good catch. No true radical centrist would have left that out.

hardass dgaf as Reagan

I rather get Teddy. Flex his muscles just because he can.

So FDR without the wheelchair.

Most Americans like their healthcare and don't want to have to transition to medicare. I know that's shocking to terminally online invalids that constantly complain about that their barista job doesn't cover their depression meds and HRT, but it's true.

AOC would like a word.

using the fringe duo of AOC and Bernie as examples

they are fringe for a reason numbnuts

Sure surrre lol. I'm not an extremist. I'm fringe cool. 😎😎😎


When in order to BOtH SiDeS you become more of a snowflake than a tumblr poster.

What you fuckin call me?

Or, they didn't need the senate to do this. Which is basically why non of the bills ever made it to Trump

I really don't understand why anyone would tie their entire existence and identity on a politician

Being eternally online or having an otherwise aimless life.

The house passed covid relief easily, multiple times.

Do you guys just not know how the US government works?

I'm actually super sick of both siderism media deluding people. The fucking house was passing 2-3 trillion dollar relief bills that then died on the turtles desk.

He also outright said "no covid relief until after the election."

"B-b-but I'm a radical centrist! Both sides!" says the dramacel rightoid who knows he's owned

There has been an embarrassing amount of this cope recently. They are too cowardly to even commit to giving us more drama and just hide behind being a strangely partisan "radical centrist".

The fucking house was passing 2-3 trillion dollar relief bills that then died on the turtles desk.

You mean to say that the House easily passed measures that ended up helping no one and going nowhere?

Ah just like that first (and probably also second) impeachment.

How the fuck didn't they help nobody? The bills included a ton of relief money, because the turtle himself repeatedly blocked it.

I'd also argue the impeachment does help - Trump must be held accountable, if he isn't, all you're doing is telling future leaders it's ok to incite insurrection after losing elections.

Internet brainlets that don't understand democratic norms and precedents are the real threat.

How does kicking him out of a job he's already shitcanned from "hold him accountable"? Boo-hoo, he'll have an extra week to play golf and jack off to fox news anchors.

(Presuming the Senate will even convict, which they probably won't, assuming they even come back in time to hold the trial, which they probably won't. This is just a dumb publicity stunt.)

If he gets convicted he won't be able to hold office again pal.

Also, impeachment goes on the record. It is holding him accountable.

Also, impeachment goes on the record. It is holding him accountable.

Yeah, my fourth grade teacher said it was going on my permanent record, too. πŸ™„

Yeah, clearly comparable to impeachment.

In terms of actual consequences, let's compare:

Trump: Impeached (twice) still gets to keep being a rich r-slur and doing whatever the fuck he wants.

Me: Suspended, got to sleep in for a week and then go to fifth grade and continue being a normal pleb and doing mostly what people tell me.

Actual impact of sanctions: Zero

removal from office also voids any pensions or benefits he would receive normally. Ex-presidents get 400k a year, charter other cool stuff

1mil a year in travel expenses too

still gets a Secret Service detail that any other ex-pres would get though, can’t avoid that one unless he gets jail time for state crimes post presidency

doing whatever the fuck he wants.

Not being able to run for office again isn't being able to do whatever the fuck you want

You understand there are criminal penalties attached... Right?

for trying to burn down my school? Yeah I guess there could have been.

Not for impeachment. The only penalties the Senate can impose are removal from office (oops, too late) and barring him from running again (good excuse for him not to).

He also would lose his security detail, his salary, and his travel budget.

How the fuck did they help nobody? The bills included a ton of relief money, because the turtle himself repeatedly blocked it.

When bills pass the House and then die in the Senate floor they don't help anyone.

Internet brainlets that don't understand democratic norms and precedents are the real threat.

Burgers talking about "democratic norms" and "precedents" when out of the last 4 Presidents two have been impeached πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

When bills pass the House and then die in the Senate floor they don't help anyone.

Are you high bro? The entire point of this argument was some brainlet saying "haha they can impeach but they can't pass covid relief."

The house impeaches, the senate hasn't even done anything yet. All you're doing is agreeing with me that the original comment was fucking stupid.

Burgers talking about "democratic norms" and "precedents" when out of the last 4 Presidents two have been impeached πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


The senate blocked them because they were full of pork that had nothing to do with covid relief. Every member of the house knew full well that what they were passing would never go through the senate or become law. These bills never had any chance of helping anyone - they were pure political theater, part of the 2020 election campaign, which you wouldn't need explained to you if you actually understood how the US gvmt works.

How are you this poorly educated and misinformed?

Here, watch this. What "pork" was in those covid bills. Be specific.

full of pork

Totally a normal person phrase and not something you heard and copied from fox πŸ˜‚

No, fox is cancelled now, remember?

Yet another rightoid that doesn't grasp that congress combined the covid relief bill and funding the federal government into an omnibus.

Hey now, that $600 bought me a nice new paddle board. I'm pretty stoked. Must have sucked for all those poors with no job though

I can finally get a scent candle for when I shag yer Nan, m8

You're gonna need a strong candle

600 dollars worth, my friend with the smelly nan.

I also recommend bringing your own vag because I'm sure hers is rotted away by now.

If there's a heaven she's going to be really mad about that joke lol

m8, just the way I like it.

I bought an valve index with the first check and a 3080 with the second. Thanks government

g*mer shit

Maybe stimmy bucks were a mistake

That's what I'm saying

Next you'll tell me pointless symbolic grandstanding is a lot less complicated than setting fiscal policy for a 22 trillion-dollar economy. I'm shocked.

Why does Trump not simply eat his way out of the peach the House keeps putting him in? πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

I doubt t. rump even knows what fruit is, much less eats any.

Eviction notice posted. I'm keeping the deposit too 😎

Double-peaches Daddy plans to give a speech, but because Twatter froze his peaches, he'll have to post the video to his OnlyFans.

The White House is reportedly still working out where to post the video message, which will come on the heels of his second impeachment. The president's personal accounts have been barred from Twitter, YouTube and Facebook following last week's riots.


Worse... Vimeo


Just send it through emergency alerts

then asking his r-slurred supporters to pay to download that speech.

He is going to need the money when he is out of office.

Considering him and Clinton both survived their impeachments im beginning to think it might not be that big a deal. It won't work this time either; think about how many times trump has declared bankruptcy. He's like DSP - he's frequently on the verge of ruin but always survives.

edit: if they can hold him accountable for the riot because he told people to protest at the capitol for a cause that he knew was bs then they should hold every dem who supported blm responsible for those riots lol. Even the TDS sufferers on r news haven't been able to come up with anything where he actually suggests violence.

Even the TDS sufferers on r news haven't been able to come up with anything where he actually suggests violence.

Either Daddy knew how much his antics were riling up his base in which case he should be removed for inciting an insurrection or he's so rslurred that he had no idea in which case he should be removed anyways for being that rslurred while presidenting.

Clinton is forever a president who was impeached over a bj - and trump is forever a president who was impeached twice over election related shenanigans. Sure, they survived - but there's always going to be an asterisk next to their names. Or two. That shit's a blow to one's ego.

edit: if they can hold him accountable for the riot because he told people to protest at the capitol for a cause that he knew was bs then they should hold every dem who supported blm responsible for those riots lol. Even the TDS sufferers on r news haven't been able to come up with anything where he actually suggests violence.

edit: The impeachment is as much about blatantly false claims of a stolen election as about what happened at the capitol. Blm nonsense is wholly unrelated, and the potus is simply held to a different standard anyhow.

ron paul dot gif

What a legacy.


1 Term 2 Peaches 3 Scoops

every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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wait what? i was taking a nap what the fuck did i miss

edit: oh i read the article. obviously, they felt personally threatened. i get it now.