Young Venezuelans turn to adult content to survive crisis - France 24

1  2021-01-14 by 911roofer


Her boyfriend of three years Roberto Gonzalez, an architect, helped her set up her OnlyFans account.

I think there's a word for this.

They word would be “Pimp.”


I like to think that everyone shitty on the Left is just a troll account created and maintained by Barron Trump, attempting to use his mammoth brain to make centrists vote Daddy 2020. Because if these people actually exist, and have these strange opinions that so many people supposedly might have, then I'll have to actually vote for Daddy, given he's the option most likely to put these fucking people in camps.

But I'm wise to you, Barron: you'll never actually make me vote.


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As soon as Maduro gets word of this, them tits gonna be NATIONALIZED.