moot did nothing wrong

2  2021-01-14 by itsnotmyfault

With all of this talk about removing Parler from the various app stores and hosting services, and political perma-bans on various platforms I want us all to take a moment and think about where this all started.

Not with GamerGate, as some would believe, but somewhere further back.

Not with SomethingAwful, that's too far back and too many good progressive people came out of there so it can't be that bad, obviously.

But, as you saw in the title, 4chan.

I just want us all to take a moment and appreciate moot, who made this possible. All of our drama ultimately stems from him.

He helped mold our young impressionable minds into a generation of tech-obsessed degenerate weebs free from moral tethers.

Under moot's gentle guiding hands, an army of autistic software engineers was sculpted to bring glory to our neoliberal utopia.

And so, whenever someone on Twitter slips on their programming socks, cracks their Cold Steels, and turns on cruise control for cool... I want you to say a little thank you for moot for making this all possible.


90% of the shitposters are Australians. They are destroying the site. I hate Aussies so god damn much.

mutt hands typed this post

never would've pegged you for an aussie defender tbh

I also like them tho, at least the ones I've known in my life. they're usually a blast to party with

I partied with some Aussie sailors a lot when I was in the Navy and they were all solid dudes on top of being insanely fun to party with. The Dutch were probably the most fun to party with but you can easily get in trouble hanging around with them too much.

a smarter man than me might have a funny, "finger in the dyke" joke here :(

seriously tho what's up with the dutch

They were notorious for trying to score hookers and drugs which of course is strictly forbidden for US military personnel. Also, depending on the port we were in, getting these things usually meant you had to go to places that were outside of where we were allowed to explore. Although, somewhere like Santa Marta, Colombia for example, you would get offered hookers and cocaine from the time you stepped foot off the pier. If you wanna Any% speedrun your way to Captain's Mast, go hang out with the Dutch sailors.

Reminder gab still exists lmao

What did they do to lose the game to parler like they did? Honest question, gab was rightoid twitter then suddenly Parler was the thing, now presumably the refugees flee back. Why'd they leave in the first place? Unwilling to use an internet browser?

I just lost the game.

Mercers were funding Parler so it had better financial backing than Gab

Parler may have been seen as more legit. Gabs reputation got utterly fucked after 2018 synagogue shooting.

Gabs reputation got utterly fucked after 2018 synagogue shooting.

im sensing a pattern

I think it does boil down to Parler pitching a 1st party app experience - that made the boomers more comfortable. Gab actually switched to a Mastadon backend and you can theoretically use most Mastadon apps to access Gab - though I think some app devs did specifically blacklist connections to their node lol. In any case, asking boomers to navigate mobile websites and 3rd party client settings is a lot.

It all started at BODYBUILDING.COM

FUCK moot 😠😡🤬

By God, yes. Have you seen his chin?

What’s your hot take on this snally

by creating that accursed imageboard, he's directly responsible for the horrifying state of internet culture and youth culture today 🤬🤬🤬

I think in early years they created memes and were funny but it went downhill when disgusting journalists became aware of it and started using it as a place to talk about "the hacker that is anonymous."

They were fast too. I remember they spawned the kanye meme with taylor swift within minutes of it showing on tv. That stuff was funny.

Oh dear.. Admittedly that was 10 years ago now.

Imagine blaming Moot and not blaming Brad Fitzpatrick



WT Snacks enthusiasts still going strong I see


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why so mad at the original bundle of sticks?

Imagine thinking only software engineers were on 4chan back in the day. Though it makes sense that the majority in here are programers. Because the majority is also a bunch a nerds.

Didn't he have to move to Spain servers though cuz he was getting shit on by US servers? I haven't been on 4chan since some time around 2010. It turned into spam and CP so I decided it was time to do other things.

It turned into spam and CP

Always was, since inception.

but at least between the CP and spam were funny things in 2008. I used to enjoy the memes and raids on making moot Victoria's Secret girl next door. lol That kind of stuff was fun.

For people who used 4chan, I guess.


4Chan is what kicked off gamergate! It really does all come back to 4chan

Moot is based because he fucked /jp/ up, Hiromoot only adds new boards and doesn’t even visit any threads

SomethingAwful goons precede all the 4chan shit.

Yeah, I said that. Learn to read.